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focusing on React vs focusing un React

The correct phrase is 'focusing on react'. 'Focusing on react' is the appropriate construction when indicating that someone is concentrating on the programming framework React. 'Focusing un react' is incorrect and not a commonly used phrase in English.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 1149 views

focusing on React

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate that someone is concentrating on the programming framework React.


  • I am currently focusing on React to improve my skills.
  • She spends a lot of time focusing on React development.
  • Focusing on React has helped me understand front-end development better.
  • We're focusing on the bomber's immediate support.
  • Focusing on alternatives to the invasion.
  • Focusing on ones where gasoline was the accelerant.
  • Focusing on governance of nanotechnology for societal and environmental benefit.
  • But this distinction between focusing on ourselves and focusing on others is one that I encourage us all to pay attention to.
  • You want to pull off this exit strategy of yours, you better stop focusing on my domestic life and start focusing on the issue at hand.
  • Imagine you are listening to a symphony and focusing on a single instrument.
  • I'm focusing on two of them for now.
  • Sweden ads are always focusing on eating crabs.
  • More recently operations have increasingly been focusing on Chechnya itself.
  • The Commission therefore supports the Presidency in focusing on these issues.
  • But we're focusing on his sister. Kidman has an alibi.
  • About focusing on a single point in time.
  • Really focusing on a mystery reminds me of the old days.
  • The transporter beam is focusing on deck nine, section four.
  • No, I'm-I'm focusing on your wedding.
  • The temporary committee's work programme has been focusing on two aspects.
  • We're focusing on all we have to be grateful for.
  • But for now, I'm focusing on the Eskimo only.
  • But focusing on the negatives, it merely makes us negative.

focusing un React

This phrase is incorrect and not used in English.

  • As the international community believes that terrorism threatens international peace and security, it is vital that the powers of the UN Security Council to react to such threats should be preserved.
  • It has been advocated that EU financial resources would strengthen the active support that the EU has given to gender equality architecture if the EU could also increase its financial commitments to UN entities focusing specifically on gender issues.
  • 20071115STO13219 Press service main page The week ahead Kosovo: MEPs react to UN plan MEPs told "no rewind" button on climate change ahead of post Kyoto talks Climate change: why China matters
  • MEPs will have the opportunity to react to the cessation of hostilities and to the sending of the UN force into South Lebanon.
  • The proposal for a Human Rights Council is an attempt to create an institution which would react more rapidly to crises throughout the world and whose activities would go beyond simply sending a symbolic UN mission to the country that is the subject of criticism.
  • Recognises the effort made by the UN DPKO to offer some pre-deployment training to senior staff and troop contributors, focusing especially on rules of engagement, but regrets that states are not required to participate;
  • We're focusing on the bomber's immediate support.
  • Focusing on alternatives to the invasion.
  • Focusing on ones where gasoline was the accelerant.
  • Focusing on governance of nanotechnology for societal and environmental benefit.
  • Focusing exclusively on one week last summer.
  • Focusing exclusively on one week last summer.
  • Focusing cohesion policy on competitiveness by fostering economic development is welcome.
  • Absorption capacity is something on which we are focusing constantly.
  • And I am going to show you multiple applications in the medical field that can be enabled just by focusing, physically focusing.
  • Calls on the EU and other international actors to work specifically with the UN and the AU to ensure that peacekeeping forces in Darfur have the capability to react rapidly to ceasefire violations or provocations by any party;
  • We insist on the need to reinforce the system of human rights, in particular by incorporating them into all the activities of the UN system, which would strengthen its capacity to react at any time to breaches of those rights.
  • Calls on the EU and other international actors to work with the UN and the AU to ensure that peacekeeping forces in Darfur have the capability to react rapidly to provocations by any side;
  • How does the Commission propose to react to the guidelines issued by the UN in response to these serious problems?
  • It is unacceptable to us, the ALDE Group, that the UN Human Rights Council is unable - not to mention unwilling - to react with the necessary speed to the human rights crises in Afghanistan, Guinea, Iran, Yemen and Iraq.


  • focusing on React
  • concentrating on React
  • working on React
  • dedicating time to React
  • immersing myself in React

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