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new release of vs new release on

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'New release of' is used when referring to the content or details of the release, while 'new release on' is used when referring to the platform or date of the release.

Last updated: March 27, 2024 • 851 views

new release of

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to the content or details of a new release.

This phrase is used to describe the content or details of a new release, such as a new product, movie, or album.


  • The new release of the smartphone includes advanced features.
  • Have you heard about the new release of the latest book by that author?
  • I'm excited about the new release of the movie next month.
  • Amendments should be made to Guideline ECB/ 2007/2: (a) in view of the new release of the SSP and the need to define the newly introduced cross-system settlement;
  • Amendments should be made to Decision ECB/ 2007/7: (a) in view of the new release of the Single Shared Platform;
  • Applicable until new release of Eirene target during 2010
  • There's a new release of Zinfandels I want to try.
  • Furthermore, the new release of the IT system to enhance the reliability and completeness of the data on staff leave and absences has been delayed to 2008.
  • Amendments should be made to Guideline ECB/ 2007/2: (a) in view of the new release of the SSP;


  • new version of
  • new edition of
  • new model of
  • new installment of
  • new update of

new release on

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to the platform or date of a new release.

This phrase is used to specify the platform or date on which a new release will be available, such as a new movie on a streaming service or a new product on a website.


  • The new release on Netflix is getting great reviews.
  • I can't wait for the new release on the online store next week.
  • The new release on the gaming console is highly anticipated.
  • having regard to WTO news release on the 8-9 June 2010 TRIPS Council,
  • These figures, published in a news release on the occasion of the recent World Food Day show, however, that the number of people affected by food insecurity in the country fell from 650000 in 2003 to 202000 this year.
  • According to the news release, on 18 February at 7 p.m. in the La Victoria area paramilitaries presumed to have come from Cantagallo town centre murdered Guido Romero, vice-president of the Junta de Acción Comunal (community action group).
  • You've said that every few days they they release new prisoners on the beach.
  • The new directive on deliberate release of GMOs aspired to "include all direct and indirect ecological aspects".
  • 20061012STO11623 North Korea Background on Air Passenger Data: Court of Justice press release annulling the previous agreement: EC/Council release on new agreement (EN & FR
  • 20071213STO15246 Reform treaty Press release on new Treaty: 19 October 07 MEPs debate the new born Treaty of Lisbon with PM Sócrates Story: Jo Leinen on Charter of Fundamental Rights: "we have been waiting 50 years" Press release on Charter of fundamental rights ceremony
  • They said it would be in new releases.
  • This makes the second gruesome news release in two days.
  • My publisher is throwing a party for all the new releases.
  • Gooseberry owned a patent for the creation and distribution of news releases via email.
  • Source: Eurostat news release 23/2007 - 19 February 2007
  • Eurostat publishes its EDP News Releases - covering all EU Member States - twice a year.
  • Eurostat news release 55/2010. 22 April 2010.
  • There's a new release of Zinfandels I want to try.
  • You know, I work in legal and I just about fell out of my chair when I saw your name on the new releases.
  • The overseers concluded that, overall, the new release would have a positive impact on the management of liquidity and credit risk by TARGET2 participants.
  • We have an offer, three new releases for three days.
  • These campaign discounts apply to a significant proportion of new releases and significantly impact net wholesale prices.
  • Implementing Regulation (EU) No 961/2011 provided also maximum levels for strontium, plutonium and americium in case there would have been new releases to the environment of radioactivity including these radionuclides.


  • new release for
  • new release at
  • new release through
  • new release via
  • new release with

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