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provide an update on vs provide an update of

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Provide an update on' is used when you want to give information about a specific topic or subject, while 'provide an update of' is used when you want to give a general overview or summary of something.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 1067 views

provide an update on

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when you want to give information about a specific topic or subject.


  • Can you provide an update on the project status?
  • Please provide an update on the sales figures.
  • I will provide an update on the meeting agenda.
  • Could the Commission provide an update on the talks in relation to Iran's nuclear activities?
  • Could it outline current priorities for the review conference and provide an update on the outcome of the May 2009 preparatory committee meeting?
  • Can the Commission provide an update on the current status of the framework decision on racism and xenophobia?
  • Could the European External Action Service please provide an update on the whereabouts and health of Eritrean politician Aster Fissehatsion and her fellow G15 detainees?
  • Can the Commission provide an update on the plan to ensure that all licence holders in the EU can be prosecuted no matter where they commit driving offences?
  • Could the Commission provide an update on EFSA's review process with regard to the work and research by EURRECA?
  • Can the Commission provide an update on the latest negotiations to develop a free trade agreement between the EU and India?
  • Can the Commission provide an update on the case of emissions from the Maltese power stations following its answer to Parliamentary Question E-4166/07?
  • Can the Commission provide an update on what has been achieved so far in relation to the inclusion of specific animal welfare provisions in the bilateral or multilateral agreements by the EU?
  • With the present Communication, the European Commission wishes to provide an update on the decline in the number of EU seafarers and an analysis of the reasons behind it, the possible implications for the shipping community and the measures necessary to reverse it.
  • Could the Commission provide an update on the nature of this correspondence and state whether it is of the opinion that the Irish Government is in breach of EC law by implementing this policy?
  • Can the Commission provide an update on the transposition and implementation of the Employment Directive 2000/78/EC and outline what measures it is taking to ensure that this legislation is being adhered to in Member States?
  • Can the Commission provide an update on the progress made on the SESAR project in the light of the current financial situation?
  • Further to its answer of 21 September 2005 to my Written Question E-3007/05, could the Commission provide an update on the current situation with regard to its investigation into the role and financing of public service broadcasting in Ireland?
  • Can the Commission provide an update on the clear outcomes of the recent EU-China summit, and in particular, with regard to the lifting of the arms embargo?
  • Could the Commission provide an update on the current political situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo, particularly in light of the peace pact signed in January of this year?
  • Could the Commission provide an update on the proposed European Union ban on the practice of 'shark finning'?
  • Lastly, will the Commission provide an update on current progress towards the collection of reference material for use in developing non-animal methods to entirely replace the use of the mouse bioassay to detect marine biotoxins?
  • Estimates that the financial impact of expanding the institutions' premises will occur mainly after 2005; calls on the institutions to provide an update on their building projects including information on the increase in the number of offices due to enlargement;
  • Since four months have passed since this reply and more than seven months since the reply to my first Parliamentary Question E-0801/05 on the same subject, can the Commission provide an update on this matter and come to a definite conclusion?


  • give an update on
  • offer an update on
  • present an update on
  • share an update on
  • update on

provide an update of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when you want to give a general overview or summary of something.


  • Please provide an update of the current situation.
  • Can you provide an update of the project?
  • I will provide an update of the key points discussed.
  • will the Commission provide an update of all the figures previously requested, giving the most recent figures available?
  • Further to the Commission's answer to question E-2235/99, will the Commission provide an update of all the figures previously requested, giving the most recent figures available?
  • Will the Commission provide an update of its work on the abovementioned Case C28? 2.
  • Each Member State shall provide an update of the PPP inventory in January each year, whenever changes to sources and methods used have occurred during the preceding year.
  • Will the Commission provide an update of its work on the above Case C-28?
  • Can the Commission provide an update of its work on the above-mentioned cases and specify how many and which third parties submitted their views on these?
  • Can the Commission provide an update of the plans it has or progress it is making with the abovementioned research?
  • After the failure of the WTO talks in Cancun and the resumption of talks in Geneva, I would be obliged if you could provide an update of what progress has been made.
  • After the failure of the WTO talks in Cancun and the resumption of talks in Geneva, I would be obliged if you could provide an update of what progress has been made.
  • It should be noted that around € 8000 million worth of loans had actually been signed as of 31 December 2002 (the Commission should provide an update of this figure for 31 December 2003).
  • In addition, the Ministry of Environment has asked the competent authorities involved in the procedure, namely the Veneto regional authorities and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, to provide an update of their earlier opinions.
  • Can the Commission provide an update of the latest situation with regard to this case and confirm whether or not the Eritrean authorities are continuing with their refusal to divulge information in response to enquiries about Aster Fissehatsion's health and whereabouts?


  • give an update of
  • offer an update of
  • present an update of
  • share an update of
  • update of

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