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assumptions about vs assumptions concerning

Both 'assumptions about' and 'assumptions concerning' are correct and commonly used in English. They can be used interchangeably to indicate the ideas or beliefs that are taken for granted in a particular situation.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 881 views

assumptions about

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to the ideas or beliefs that are taken for granted in a particular situation.


  • She made assumptions about his intentions.
  • There are many assumptions about the causes of climate change.
  • Specifically, NEUWOGES argues that losses were foreseeable from the start, as the calculations underlying the contract were based on assumptions about the future development of the rental market in Neubrandenburg that were clearly too optimistic.
  • The ECB staff projections are based on assumptions about interest rates, exchange rates, oil prices, world trade outside the euro area and fiscal policies.
  • The ECB staff projections are based on a series of assumptions about interest rates, exchange rates, oil prices, world trade outside the euro area and fiscal policies.
  • These estimates involve assumptions about such items as the risk adjustment to cash flows or discount rates used, future changes in salaries and future changes in prices affecting other costs.
  • These estimates involve assumptions about such items as the risk adjustment to cash flows or discount rates, future changes in salaries and future changes in prices affecting other costs.
  • I'd have thought it perfectly clear that yours and Mr Edwards' cases are inextricably connected by mistaken assumptions about who or what is going to kill you.
  • Box 1 TECHNICAL ASSUMPTIONS The Eurosystem staff projections are based on a series of assumptions about interest rates, exchange rates, oil prices, commodity prices and fiscal policies.
  • The ECB staff projections are based on a series of assumptions about interest rates, exchange rates, oil prices, world trade outside the euro area and fiscal policies.
  • The Eurosystem staff projections are based on a series of assumptions about interest rates, exchange rates, oil prices, world trade outside the euro area and fiscal policies.
  • Box 1 TECHNICAL ASSUMPTIONS The Eurosystem staff projections are based on a series of assumptions about interest rates, exchange rates, oil prices and fiscal policies.
  • I realize you've made certain assumptions about me.
  • My staff made assumptions about us.
  • The decline as from 2008 reflects the markedly cautious assumptions about GDP growth.
  • She's making assumptions about your wife.
  • You making sweeping assumptions about the state of my marriage.
  • I should like to say, I make no assumptions about your occupation.
  • These insurance people making assumptions about a person's disposition one should never Assume.
  • I just felt terrible that you went through all this because my staff made assumptions about us.
  • Don't make any assumptions about Jackie Laverty's fate.
  • I just don't like people making assumptions about me.


  • beliefs about
  • ideas about
  • presumptions about
  • notions about
  • conceptions about

assumptions concerning

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is also used to refer to the ideas or beliefs that are taken for granted in a particular situation.


  • The report discusses assumptions concerning the future of the company.
  • There are many assumptions concerning the impact of technology on society.
  • As things stand, therefore, the new food labelling legislation can at best draw on conjecture and the subjective experiences of the groups and individuals involved, so that the Commission proposal is likewise based only on assumptions concerning consumers' wishes and needs.
  • More than ever we need to apply a measure of realism to assumptions concerning the effectiveness of our laws and rules.
  • The assumptions concerning changes in consumer prices and the annual average level of WIBOR 3M were based on the Global Insight forecast of 6 February 2009 [19].
  • For example, IAS 37 requires disclosure, in specified circumstances, of major assumptions concerning future events affecting classes of provisions.
  • an explanation of changes made to past assumptions concerning those assets and liabilities, if the uncertainty remains unresolved.
  • In the case of rent guarantees, there are, for example, different loss-of-rent assumptions concerning inflation (actual inflation remains lower than forecast inflation), rental shortfall or vacancies.
  • I rectified their erroneous assumptions concerning polyvinyl replication.
  • Such review should take into account technological progress and verify that the initial assumptions concerning operation of MCA services are still relevant.
  • the effect of changes to assumptions concerning benefit payment options;
  • The technical assumptions concerning longterm interest rates and both oil and non-energy commodity prices are based on market expectations.
  • The technical assumptions concerning long-term interest rates and both oil and nonenergy commodity prices are based on market expectations until 8 February.
  • The technical assumptions concerning long-term interest rates and both oil and non-energy commodity prices are based on market expectations in midAugust.
  • Certain Member States expressed assumptions concerning base year emissions and common and coordinated policies and measures.
  • The assumptions concerning changes in consumer prices and the annual average level of WIBOR 3M were based on the Global Insight forecast of 6 February 2009.
  • assumptions concerning correlations that underlie the methodologies for calculating regulatory capital, and
  • assumptions concerning correlations that underlie the methodologies for calculating regulatory capital; and
  • Regarding the return to long-term viability, the Commission invited third parties to comment on the underlying assumptions concerning the external factors.
  • The Commission was also concerned that the IDA had accepted rather optimistic assumptions concerning the value of Nauta's assets used as collateral for the bonds.
  • However, the calculation of the cost of equity relies on certain assumptions concerning firms» expected future cash flows and the results should therefore be interpreted with some caution.
  • The following assumptions concerning the extent of damage shall be taken into account in the event of flooding:


  • beliefs concerning
  • ideas concerning
  • presumptions concerning
  • notions concerning
  • conceptions concerning

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