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Contract for vs Contract of

Both 'contract for' and 'contract of' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Contract for' is used when referring to the purpose or subject matter of the contract, while 'contract of' is used to indicate the relationship between the parties involved in the contract.

Last updated: March 22, 2024 • 754 views

Contract for

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use 'contract for' when referring to the purpose or subject matter of the contract. For example, 'They signed a contract for the sale of the house.'


  • They signed a contract for the sale of the house.
  • She drafted a contract for the construction of the building.
  • He negotiated a contract for the supply of raw materials.
  • The company entered into a contract for the provision of services.
  • We have a contract for the maintenance of the equipment.
  • Contract for deed can be considered a special type of real estate contract in which the seller provides funds to the buyer to purchase the property at an agreed ...
  • It is suitable for large or complex commercial construction projects. Revised. A201- 2017. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction.
  • Mar 10, 2022 ... Contract for Trash ... There are three ways that cities manage trash and recycling collections for households. Fort Collins currently has an open ...
  • Feb 14, 2022 ... ... Mayor Adams and Comptroller Lander co-convened “A Better Contract for New York: A Joint Task Force to Get Nonprofits Paid On Time” as a ...
  • Jan 23, 1998 ... A New Social Contract for Science? REFERENCES AND NOTES. Abstract. As the magnitude of human impacts on the ecological systems of the planet ...


  • agreement for
  • deal for
  • arrangement for
  • commitment for
  • undertaking for

Contract of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use 'contract of' to indicate the relationship between the parties involved in the contract. For example, 'It was a contract of employment between the company and the employee.'


  • It was a contract of employment between the company and the employee.
  • The contract of sale specified the terms and conditions of the transaction.
  • She signed a contract of lease for the apartment.
  • The contract of partnership outlined the responsibilities of each partner.
  • They entered into a contract of insurance to protect their assets.
  • (12) "Associate" means a legal entity which has concluded a Contract of Association with the European Atomic Energy Community.
  • 08 Contract of service - legal, tax, technical advice
  • When did the claimant's latest contract of service begin? ...
  • And I think that we should look to the contract of '08 as a baseline.
  • 09 Contract of service - hotel, restaurant
  • 12 Contract of service - other (please specify)
  • Contract of service - electricity, gas, water, phone
  • Contract of service - legal, tax, technical advice
  • Contract of service - hotel, restaurant
  • "Associate" means a legal entity which has concluded a Contract of Association with the European Atomic Energy Community.
  • Contract of service - hotel, restaurant
  • Contract of service - other (please specify)
  • (f) Cost sharing actions to promote and contribute to fusion energy research with bodies in the Member States or the Countries associated with the Seventh Framework Programme in which there is no Contract of Association.
  • 05 Contract of service - electricity, gas, water, phone
  • Asks the Commission to report during the mid-term review on the results of Contract of Confidence arrangements, including the fundamental question of whether these contracts have added value;
  • 06 Contract of service - medical services
  • Reference for a preliminary ruling - Oberlandesgericht Oldenburg - Interpretation of Arts. 57, 73, 75, 86, 87,196 and 197 EA - Contract of loan guaranteed by a security over uranium belonging to an undertaking from a third State, enriched and stored in the Community
  • under a contract of carriage; or
  • They merely arrange a contract of carriage between the customer and the organiser/transport undertaking.
  • under a contract of carriage; or


  • agreement of
  • deal of
  • arrangement of
  • commitment of
  • undertaking of

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