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experiment vs experiment with

Both 'experiment' and 'experiment with' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Experiment' is used when referring to the action of conducting a scientific test or investigation, while 'experiment with' is used when trying something new or different to see what the result will be.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 919 views


The word 'experiment' is correct and commonly used when referring to a scientific test or investigation.

Use 'experiment' when talking about conducting a scientific test or investigation.


  • The scientists conducted an experiment to test their hypothesis.
  • The experiment yielded unexpected results.
  • She is planning to conduct an experiment in the lab.
  • Conroy didn't stop the experiment.
  • Problem was the experiment went haywire.
  • BL will also report and experiment innovative energy savings measures.
  • Gentlemen, it's important that this international experiment succeed.
  • This is an initial experiment with a decentralised asylum-related programme.
  • What started merely as an experiment...
  • The experiment's radius was 1 kilometer.
  • My murder investigation takes priority over your experiment.
  • Four people were vaporized because our experiment failed.
  • Filmstudio 1929 presents its first experiment.
  • This creature was essentially an experiment in longevity.
  • All these years trying to replicate the original experiment.
  • That's for my metamaterial experiment.
  • Guess our little experiment is finally over.
  • Vincent was a part of their DNA-altering experiment.
  • LHC is most important experiment of our time.
  • The invasive neurological experiment she was performing left no survivors.
  • Our astrology experiment should have worked by now.
  • When the experiment failed, the rockets were weaponized.
  • An experiment with vanes and water.


  • conduct an experiment
  • perform an experiment
  • carry out an experiment
  • run an experiment
  • design an experiment

experiment with

The phrase 'experiment with' is correct and commonly used when trying something new or different to see what the result will be.

Use 'experiment with' when trying out new ideas, methods, or activities to see how they work or what the outcome will be.


  • She likes to experiment with different cooking techniques.
  • He decided to experiment with a new workout routine.
  • The artist enjoys experimenting with different painting styles.
  • MW: We monitored this experiment with spectrophotometry and obtained this beautiful graph.
  • - An experiment with vanes and water.
  • Which gives us extended time to experiment with this.
  • Shooting these travelogues on location gave photographer Jack Cardiff... ...freedom to experiment with a Technicolor camera.
  • We had our experiment with the bar, and it was great.
  • The experiment with reduced rates is currently running until 31 December 2010.
  • Fritzsch chose Block 11 in Auschwitz to conduct his first experiment with Zyklon B.
  • Hanna, gentlemen, our little experiment with Franklin and Bash is... concluded.
  • We are attempting to conduct an experiment with an infinite number of variables and without any controls.
  • Others believe it's an experiment with an unproven vaccine.
  • She then repeated the experiment with a placebo for comparison.
  • You're done with your little experiment with Foreman?
  • Was there anyone else in the experiment with you?
  • It was hoped that many important questions would be clarified, if not answered, during the course of our experiment with induced telepathy.
  • It was the only place he could experiment with cheese without the smell bothering the neighbours.
  • Bernays set out to experiment with the minds of the popular classes.
  • We did this experiment with a group of patients
  • Freedom to experiment means freedom to experiment with anything.
  • I remember thinking, my friend could have explained that entire experiment with a dance.
  • And then we invited people all over the world to build them and experiment with us.


  • try out
  • test out
  • explore
  • play around with
  • tinker with

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