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suggestions of vs suggestions from

Both 'suggestions of' and 'suggestions from' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Suggestions of' is used when referring to the content or nature of the suggestions themselves, while 'suggestions from' is used when indicating the source or origin of the suggestions.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 1735 views

suggestions of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to the content or nature of the suggestions themselves.


  • I have some suggestions of how we can improve the project.
  • There were many suggestions of what to do next.
  • The report included suggestions of ways to increase productivity.
  • I would like us to look at the suggestions of Professor Rubbia, amongst others, on on-site separation and transmutation of nuclear waste.
  • The suggestions of the EDPS could be included in a new legal instrument replacing the IMI-decision as proposed above.
  • Where feasible, such reports should also include an analysis and suggestions of possible measures to be taken by the EU.
  • We have been open to the needs, problems, questions and suggestions of all involved and discussed them in depth.
  • He remains however open for suggestions of other Members.
  • I invite the suggestions of others against my instinct to send for the guns.
  • While accepting some of our amendments, the Council did not want to include a series of developments and suggestions of great importance.
  • In addition, suggestions of this nature cannot encompass our own criticism and assessment of the state of human rights in the European Union, for instance.
  • If appropriate and feasible, COJUR could be tasked to make suggestions of future EU action to relevant EU bodies.
  • I call upon the Commission and the Council to read the suggestions of this House and to take them into consideration when forming policies.
  • In this area, suggestions of the European Parliament are important and the dialogue between the ECB and the Parliament has to continue.
  • A study of this kind must draw on the views and suggestions of people on the ground; it must be conducted with no holds barred and with a political courage which is all too often lacking.
  • I must confess that I was surprised by the suggestions of some fellow Members, from different groups, that we should not, today, discuss the subject of yet more cases of human rights violations or the widespread use of capital punishment in China.
  • If the competent authority which received the original notification fails to comply with the suggestions of other authorities regarding further information, confirmation tests or amendments in the study programmes provided for in Annex VIII
  • In the light of the Irish vote last weekend, it is also undesirable for a German-French political cartel to work against the suggestions of Parliament and against the original suggestions by the Commission, as that is a classic trade-off issue.
  • The European Parliament in June and December played its part by listening to the suggestions of the Council, which the Council, however, after we had adopted them, subsequently withdrew and has not since approved.
  • Position and suggestions of the European Parliament
  • Taking up the suggestions of certain Members, we advocate a half-yearly timetable allowing constant monitoring of what is happening, given the very violent accelerations political history records these days.
  • RACs may give own initiative recommendations and suggestions of their own accord.
  • In particular: suggestions of breaches of animal welfare legislation.


  • ideas for
  • recommendations for
  • proposals for

suggestions from

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when indicating the source or origin of the suggestions.


  • I received some suggestions from my colleagues.
  • We are considering suggestions from the public.
  • The book includes suggestions from experts in the field.
  • In passing, let us also take note of a number of points which have been taken up directly from suggestions from the European Parliament.
  • Finally it should be noted that the Green Paper has taken up many of the suggestions from the European Parliament in the last few years.
  • Thanks for all the bug reports and suggestions from different users.
  • We need suggestions from the Commission regarding raw materials and rare earth elements.
  • I regret that the Hökmark report did not take up the many suggestions from the Committee on Regional Development, for which I was the rapporteur.
  • He looks forward with interest to the amendments that will be proposed by fellow Members and to suggestions from the Commission, the Council, the transport ministries, railway companies, infrastructure managers, and the rail industry.
  • Any suggestions from you or Mother?
  • Finally, I hope that the Commission will take account of these suggestions from the European Parliament when drawing up its White Paper on sport.
  • To a general extent, I think that inputs or suggestions from Parliament concerning potential audit risks or areas would be very helpful for the work of the Court.
  • I hope that the Commission will respond positively to these suggestions from Parliament in its legislative proposals and I expect that the future presidencies will find a way to communicate openly and transparently with Parliament, so that we can complete the assent procedures in the appropriate timeframe.
  • suggestions from staff; and
  • It concludes that suggestions from stakeholders are invited on an appropriate legal instrument and on an alternative cooperation framework among liners.
  • It is a difficult balance to strike, and there are some suggestions from Parliament's first proposal that the Council has not accepted, which we are therefore reintroducing.
  • Looks forward to the suggestions from the working group on simplification of administrative procedures and believes that cost savings should be a natural consequence of its subsequent implementation;
  • Besides, she wouldn't take any suggestions from me.
  • It is clear that we will also take into account the different suggestions from the two institutions.
  • You're the only editor I take suggestions from, but you shouldn't push it.
  • To assess this possibility, the Commission has launched a public consultation in order to receive comments and suggestions from stakeholders.
  • Some other modalities of cooperation may also be discussed, and I am open to any suggestions from Parliament.
  • The EESC calls on the Commission to take into due consideration the need to encourage stable standardisation, incorporating suggestions from operators and key stakeholders.


  • recommendations from
  • advice from
  • input from

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