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develop the modalities for vs the modalities for

A complete search of the internet has found that "the modalities for " is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: May 24, 2016 • 952 views

develop the modalities for

211 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Feb 12, 2016 ... And over the coming week this group will work to develop the modalities for a long-term, comprehensive, and durable cessation of violence, ...
  • Kerry said a UN taskforce would “work to develop the modalities for a long term and durable cessation of violence”. The GuardianFeb 10, 2016. PrevNext.
  • Feb 12, 2016 ... Kerry said a UN task force would “work to develop the modalities for a long term and durable cessation of violence”. Aid deliveries are to begin ...
  • Feb 12, 2016 ... A UN task force, co-chaired by Russia and the US, will work over the coming week “to develop the modalities for a long-term, comprehensive ...

the modalities for

More popular!

268,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • This Annex lays down the modalities for implementation of point 15 of the Framework Agreement.
  • The Special Committee, in its decision, shall lay down the modalities for the pre-financing of nation borne costs.
  • The Administrative Commission shall lay down the modalities for the determination of that notional amount.
  • Furthermore, provision should be made for the modalities for the transfer.
  • the modalities for readmission under the accelerated procedure;
  • the modalities for the phasing-out of the aid;
  • Member States shall notify to the Commission by 30 September 2007 the modalities for applying this derogation.
  • the modalities for readmission under the accelerated procedure;
  • In particular, it sets and updates the electricity tariffs as well as the modalities for the collection of resources required to cover general system charges [14].
  • The Commission shall adopt measures concerning the modalities for the exercise of the functions provided for in paragraph 4 of this Article through implementing acts.
  • The Commission shall adopt, by means of implementing acts, the modalities for the application of the criteria referred to in Article 39.
  • In particular, it sets and updates the electricity tariffs as well as the modalities for the collection of resources required to cover general system charges.
  • They shall, in particular, review the modalities for the designation or election of the Chair of the ESRB.
  • This Decision lays down the modalities for the coordinated application of Member States' rules on enforcement applicable to an authorised operator of mobile satellite systems in the event of an alleged breach of the common conditions attached to its authorisation.
  • In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission in respect of the functioning of the ODR platform, the modalities for the submission of a complaint and cooperation within the network of ODR contact points.
  • Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) 2341/2002 sets out the modalities for the reduction in the fishing effort which is to be implemented from 1 February 2003 to 31 December 2003.
  • Information on the seventh research framework programme and the modalities for the submission of project proposals can be found at the following website:
  • the modalities for reaching, by the year 2020, a long-term target of 95 g CO2/km in a cost-effective manner; and
  • Without prejudice to Article 12 of ATHENA, the SG/HR and the EU Commanders shall enter into the necessary arrangements with the United Nations regarding the modalities for mutual assistance and cooperation.
  • In all cases where a financial contribution is made, the authorising officer responsible shall ensure that appropriate arrangements have been made with the recipient of the contribution defining the modalities for payment and control.

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