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confirmed the effectiveness of the vs confirmed the effectiveness of the model

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Confirmed the effectiveness of the' is more general and can be used when referring to any effectiveness, while 'confirmed the effectiveness of the model' is specific to a particular model being discussed.

Last updated: March 17, 2024 • 772 views

confirmed the effectiveness of the

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to the effectiveness of something in general.

This phrase is used when confirming the effectiveness of a particular action, method, or product without specifying a particular model or item.


  • The study confirmed the effectiveness of the new treatment.
  • The research confirmed the effectiveness of the marketing strategy.
  • The report confirmed the effectiveness of the safety measures.
  • Jan 31, 2013 ... CONCLUSION: The findings of the present study confirmed the effectiveness of the PRECEDE model-based educational program on ...
  • Jan 31, 2013 ... The findings of the present study confirmed the effectiveness of the PRECEDE model-based educational program on preventing or reducing ...
  • ... differences between the overall scores of the pre and post measurements, the thing which confirmed the effectiveness of the blended learning strategy utilized ...
  • Jun 25, 2015 ... A study by Lawson Health Research Institute and Western University has confirmed the effectiveness of the pathway to care used in London's ...


  • confirmed the efficacy of the
  • confirmed the success of the
  • confirmed the efficiency of the
  • confirmed the benefits of the
  • confirmed the impact of the

confirmed the effectiveness of the model

This phrase is correct and specific when confirming the effectiveness of a particular model or system.

This phrase is used when confirming the effectiveness of a specific model, system, or framework that is being discussed.


  • The study confirmed the effectiveness of the model proposed by the researchers.
  • The report confirmed the effectiveness of the new software model.
  • The experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the model used in the study.
  • We have confirmed the effectiveness of the model by applying it to a robot navigation task simulation, and have investigated the influence of the prediction on the ...
  • Mar 11, 2013 ... The method of internal validity adopted [20] confirmed the effectiveness of the model to predict the components of body composition with a high ...
  • We have confirmed the effectiveness of the model by applying it to a robot navigation task simulation, and have investigated the influence of the prediction on the ...
  • Empirical analysis confirmed the effectiveness of the model with the use of retrospective panel survey data collected from 1,253 respondents in Japan in 2010.


  • confirmed the effectiveness of the system
  • confirmed the effectiveness of the framework
  • confirmed the effectiveness of the approach
  • confirmed the effectiveness of the design
  • confirmed the effectiveness of the strategy

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