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used to find vs used to found

The correct phrase is "used to find." The phrase "used to found" is incorrect in this context. "Used to find" is a common construction used to indicate the purpose or function of something.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 5083 views

used to find

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate the purpose or function of something in the past.
  • Jun 17, 2016 ... Epidemiology is the method used to find the causes of health outcomes and diseases in populations. In epidemiology, the patient is the ...
  • This test is used to find parasites that cause diarrhea, loose or watery stools, cramping, flatulence (gas) and other abdominal illness.
  • Dec 7, 2021 ... Which tag is used to find the version of XML and syntax ? · This line represents the XML Prolog or XML declaration. · It is an optional line i.e, ...
  • Jul 17, 2019 ... Because cancer cells often take up more glucose than healthy cells, the pictures can be used to find cancer in the body.
  • Aug 18, 2020 ... Side scan sonar is often used to find objects like shipwrecks on the seafloor. The image below is of the Empire Knight, a British cargo vessel, ...
  • Oct 28, 2021 ... How AirTags are being used to find stolen property - The Washington Post ...
  • Oct 30, 2019 ... The DNA database used to find the Golden State Killer is a national security leak waiting to happen. Here's how spies could use a ...
  • OCTA used to find tie between BMI and retinal structural changes. October 23, 2022. Lynda Charters. Obesity can affect retinal structures differently.

used to found

This phrase is incorrect. The correct form is "used to find."

  • The Carpathian goat is an old Polish breed that used to be found in mountain areas such as the Podkarpackie region of Poland.
  • Even now you can of course find content in what used to be called telecommunications that used to be found only on television.
  • Delivery truck our bad guys used to get away found four blocks from the scene.
  • Says maybe he used whatever he found to buy something.
  • It's just - missing kids I'm used to, but found babies?
  • The contra-entry to these appropriations carried over and not yet used is to be found in the short-term liabilities in the balance sheet.
  • The gun used to kill Lou was found in your son's car.
  • The ambulance that was used to abduct Reddington they found burning in a garage a quarter mile from there.
  • Ray's been out fighting, like he used to, before we found our Church.
  • Like the deadbeats I used to date before I found Larry.
  • And while it took some getting used to, she soon found that field work was a great way to get out her anger.
  • In the situation where unlawful aid has to be recovered by an EFTA State, the legal basis and the calculation method for the interest rate to be used is to be found in Article 9 of EFTA Surveillance Authority Decision No 195/04/COL [3].
  • The codes to be used are to be found in the most recent version of the Eurostat Recommendations Manual on the Production of Foreign Affiliates Statistics referred to in Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 716/2007.
  • It represents between 6 and 7% of the EDF and, of course, efficient formulas need to be used or found in order to put an end to this intolerable lack of transparency.
  • Orange Pekoe is a term mainly used to describe a grade found in the grading system of the same name used for sorting black teas. The system is based solely upon the size of the processed and dried black tea leaves.
  • Miami University researchers are investigating a possible link between the onset of ALS and cyanobacteria - which proliferate where massive doses of fertiliser are used - found at some playgrounds.
  • Because I found out used to be a dude!
  • But when they looked in old yearbooks... they found out used to be the dorm master.
  • I found this used tissue underneath the backseat.
  • This morning I found a used syringe on your bathroom floor.

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