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to consist in vs to consist of

Both 'to consist in' and 'to consist of' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'To consist of' is used to describe the components or elements that make up something, while 'to consist in' is used to describe the essence or nature of something.

Last updated: March 22, 2024 • 1237 views

to consist in

This phrase is correct and used to describe the essence or nature of something.

Use 'to consist in' when you want to express the essential nature or quality of something.
  • If, however, that identity is to consist in our copying something that has already proved to be useless and powerless, then we shall have taken a wrong turning.
  • Furthermore, I would not want the fight against counterfeiting to consist in reinforcing the protection of patents in the pharmaceutical sphere and so protecting the future development of the already considerable profits made by the pharmaceutical industry in many sectors.
  • A second advantage was said to consist in the exclusive distribution of these products, which steered customers away from similar financial products distributed by commercial banks.
  • It is not just the volume of EU funding that is at issue, but what future action is to consist of in general.
  • Their day-to-day work consists in moving goods and passengers across the whole of our continent.
  • The attention needing to be paid to this phenomenon must consist in specific proposals, funding and controls.
  • It follows from the case law of the Court of Justice that national measures which provide for a rebate of energy taxes on electricity only in the case of undertakings whose activities are shown to consist primarily in the manufacturing of goods must be regarded as State aid.
  • One extremely efficient way to achieve this consists in the European funds for disadvantaged regions, especially in the new Member States, which need to be supported in order to increase their capacity of absorption.
  • (11) This Directive should apply to persons whose activity consists in providing insurance mediation services to third parties for remuneration, which may be pecuniary or take some other form of agreed economic benefit tied to performance.
  • This Directive should apply to persons whose activity consists in providing insurance mediation services to third parties for remuneration, which may be pecuniary or take some other form of agreed economic benefit tied to performance.
  • Firstly, the aid has to consist of liquidity help in the form of loan guarantees or loans bearing normal commercial interest rates.
  • On 7 July 2008 the two companies signed a letter of intent agreeing to negotiate over a possible cooperation agreement. The cooperation was to consist principally in Ulstein using part of SSN's capacity.
  • For the purposes of Article 3(c), the requirement as to financial standing shall consist in having available sufficient resources to ensure proper launching and proper administration of the undertaking.
  • Considers that the most appropriate strategy to ensure energy supply consists in diversifying energy sources and origins of supply;
  • The advantage of Wfa for WestLB was said to consist, firstly, in the increase in own funds and the resulting ability to expand business and, secondly, in the increase in its credit standing following the considerable strengthening of its equity capital.
  • Carried-over appropriations for the financial year linked to Title III consist exclusively in re-used income (101000 euro) and assigned revenue (PHARE - 40403 euro).
  • Which consists in obtaining particularly certain chemicals their brains occur naturally.
  • This action may consist in particular of extra controls.
  • Our idea consists in making these auditions more systematic.
  • The sanction consists in a fine, not withstanding the application of criminal law.


  • to be based on
  • to lie in
  • to be inherent in
  • to be comprised of

to consist of

This phrase is correct and used to describe the components or elements that make up something.

Use 'to consist of' when you want to list the parts or elements that form something.
  • (ii) in the case of a consignment which is composed of different lots, each lot declared, under the customs formalities, to consist of, or to contain, such plants, plant products or other objects.
  • in the case of a consignment which is composed of different lots, each lot declared, under the customs formalities, to consist of, or to contain, such plants, plant products or other objects.
  • whereas Article 213(1) of the Treaty provides that the Commission is to consist of Members who shall be chosen on the grounds of their general competence and whose independence is beyond doubt,
  • A. whereas Article 213(1) of the Treaty provides that the Commission is to consist of Members "who shall be chosen on the grounds of their general competence and whose independence is beyond doubt",
  • However, if a relatively homogeneous book of small contracts is known to consist of contracts that all transfer insurance risk, an insurer need not examine each contract within that book to identify a few non-derivative contracts that transfer insignificant insurance risk.
  • When completed, it is expected to consist of 27 satellites plus a suitable number of spare satellites in orbit at an altitude of approximately 23000 km above the surface of the earth, and a worldwide network of approximately 40 ground stations.
  • whereas Article 213(1) of the Treaty provides that the Commission is to consist of Members 'who shall be chosen on the grounds of their general competence and whose independence is beyond doubt',
  • (i) each consignment declared, under the customs formalities, to consist of or to contain plants, plant products or other objects, referred to in Article 13(1), (2) or (3) under the respective conditions, or
  • each consignment declared, under the customs formalities, to consist of or to contain plants, plant products or other objects, referred to in Article 13(1), (2) or (3) under the respective conditions, or
  • The European GNSS is conceived to consist of two programmes: EGNOS and Galileo.
  • The Commission had originally intended the present reform of the Financial Regulation to consist of merely technical modifications.
  • In this respect, it is pertinent to note that virtually all imports from the Philippines appear to consist of nuts.
  • As stated in recital 14, it was found that virtually all exports from the Philippines to the Community appear to consist of nuts.
  • Each application is to consist of 550 ml of graded gravel (approx. 250 to 300 stones).
  • Indeed, the drug appears to consist of scorpion venom diluted in water.
  • the evaluation and authorisation procedure to consist of two stages:
  • We must therefore have good arguments to explain why designation of origin needs to consist of more than alcohol content, quality grade and colour.
  • I know that Dr. Sloan's plan called for this final operation to consist of simply moving the upper jaw forward.
  • Section 1.4.1(v) of Annex V to Directive 2000/60/EC requires the network to consist of sites selected by the Member States from a range of surface water body types present within each ecoregion.
  • Firstly, the aid has to consist of liquidity help in the form of loan guarantees or loans bearing normal commercial interest rates.


  • to be composed of
  • to be made up of
  • to be constituted by
  • to be formed of

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