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needs of vs needs from

Both 'needs of' and 'needs from' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Needs of' is used to describe the requirements or necessities that belong to someone or something, while 'needs from' is used to indicate the source or provider of those requirements.

Last updated: March 27, 2024 • 1317 views

needs of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe the requirements or necessities that belong to someone or something. It indicates what is needed by a particular person or entity.


  • The needs of the community must be addressed.
  • Understanding the needs of the customers is crucial for business success.
  • She is attentive to the needs of her students.
  • The needs of the project were carefully considered.
  • The needs of the elderly should not be overlooked.
  • You could ignore the needs of the poor for health care and education.
  • A specific objective concerning the needs of the applicant countries has also been added.
  • The needs of women are perceived as second-level issues.
  • In implementing this programme, emphasis should be given to the needs of SMEs and encouraging their participation.
  • It seems unlikely that the increasing energy needs of a growing world population can be met solely by efficiency improvements.
  • The vehicles defined fulfil the needs of dedicated transport functions such as shuttle buses, rescue and recovery services.
  • There will be a special emphasis on serving the needs of the ACP countries.
  • Finally, we need to make a distinction between the needs of different age groups.
  • Particular attention shall be paid to the needs of people with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility.
  • The special needs of distance selling have not been properly taken into account.
  • No single model can accommodate the needs of all market users.
  • The economy should adapt itself to the needs of people and not vice versa.
  • The needs of children and older people (often carers) should not be neglected.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the needs of the convergence and outermost regions.
  • The JRC should be open to collaboration with Civil Society Organisations that may have needs of research.
  • Trying to meet the needs of this particular market.
  • Furthermore, the proposal also takes account of the needs of new Member States.
  • A partnership has also been set up to evaluate the training and equipment needs of the applicant countries.
  • The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
  • Transport for the needs of the rail carrier.


  • requirements of
  • necessities of
  • demands of

needs from

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate the source or provider of the requirements or necessities. It highlights where the needs are expected to be fulfilled.


  • We have received the needs from the client.
  • The support team will address the needs from the users.
  • The company is responsive to the needs from the community.
  • The organization is committed to meeting the needs from its employees.
  • The government is responsible for fulfilling the needs from the citizens.
  • We grow up knowing exactly what our society needs from us.
  • That's what he needs from his son.
  • It's what Julio needs from all of us right now.
  • There are many things that Russia needs from us, but we consistently lose the initiative.
  • And if you help him get what he needs from Clay, you can have that key back.
  • What your family needs from you.
  • Look, I'll get what he needs from Burke.
  • Look, I'll get what he needs from Burke.
  • The EU currently meets 4% of its energy needs from biomass.
  • What she needs from her family is support.
  • The machines have started to produce goods nobody needs from atom bombs to plastic cups.
  • What she needs from you is to just look her in the eyes, nod your head, and say those two magic words.
  • It's already got what it needs from you, Roger.
  • So what Liam needs from us is calm, someone with him at all times.
  • Speaking as somebody who's sabotaged more than one marriage, I'm not sure space is what he needs from you right now.
  • What Eddie needs from you right now is just to know that he's not the first person to go through it.
  • 'That's all she needs from you now.
  • Firstly, from 2000 onwards, Turkey should receive a share which reflects its important reconstruction needs from the MEDA 2 funds.
  • Wherein a man courts a woman with the qualities of his mother, hoping to fulfill unmet intimacy needs from childhood.
  • I'm desperately trying to keep my... emotional feedings... and my spiritual needs from clobbering each other to death.


  • requirements from
  • necessities from
  • demands from

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