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In order to strengthen vs In order to strength

The correct phrase is "in order to strengthen." The verb "strengthen" should be used in its base form after the preposition "to." "In order to strength" is incorrect because "strength" is a noun, not a verb.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 3338 views

In order to strengthen

Correct. The verb "strengthen" should be used in its base form after the preposition "to."

This phrase is used to indicate the purpose or intention behind an action, stating that something is done to make something stronger or more effective.
  • In order to strengthen that potential, central bankers can only advocate economic reforms; it is governments that are responsible for adopting them.
  • In order to strengthen the competitiveness and viability of producer organisations, appropriate criteria for their establishment should be clearly defined.
  • In order to strengthen the rights of users to proper information, their interests must be taken into consideration.
  • In order to strengthen security and trust in the information society, the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) was adopted in May 2010.
  • The Commission consults widely on health protection issues in order to strengthen the Community preparedness and response to influenza pandemic threats.
  • In order to strengthen cooperation, we need to support the Barcelona Process, which has been less active recently.
  • In order to strengthen the safeguards against failure to respect the principle of non-refoulement, the Member States should apply the criteria for safe third countries laid down in Article 32(1).
  • In order to strengthen citizens' rights, Germany is proposing the drafting of a European charter of fundamental rights in the long term.
  • In order to strengthen the implementation of the work programme, particular attention will be given to:
  • In order to strengthen the enforcement of intellectual property rights, customs intervention should be extended to other types of infringements not covered by Regulation (EC) No 1383/2003.
  • In order to strengthen the efficiency of prudential supervision of a banking group on a consolidated basis, supervisory activities should be coordinated in a more effective manner.
  • In order to strengthen the local economy in rural areas, the EESC believes it is necessary for initial processing stages in particular to remain local as far as possible.
  • In order to strengthen this idea of closer cooperation in anti-corruption there are a number of amendments to the Council text.
  • In order to strengthen the protection of the financial interest of the Communities, Community bodies should participate in fraud prevention activities of the European Anti-fraud Office.
  • In order to strengthen the regulating effect which that system will have on the market, provision should be made for premium rights not used by their holder during a specific period to revert to the national reserve.
  • In order to strengthen the efficiency of the prudential supervision of a banking group on a consolidated basis, supervisory activities should be coordinated in a more effective manner.
  • In order to strengthen democratic control of implementing provisions and adapt the provisions in line with changing economic and technical conditions, it is important to include a sunset provision in the directive.
  • In order to strengthen the funding of social security systems, we need a policy of general wage increase, the establishment of a minimum legal wage in each Member State.
  • In order to strengthen market discipline and stimulate credit institutions to improve their market strategy, risk control and internal management organization, appropriate public disclosure by credit institutions should be provided for.
  • In order to strengthen the competitiveness of Community industry and to ensure that this Regulation is applied as efficiently as possible, it is appropriate to make provision for the sharing of data between registrants on the basis of fair compensation.

In order to strength

Incorrect. "Strength" is a noun, not a verb, so it should not be used after the preposition "to."

  • The Commission has commissioned a study in order to assess the strengths and weaknesses of mountain regions more effectively.
  • As part of such a communication action, comparisons may be made with other enterprises in order to highlight strengths and to capitalise on the fact that the enterprise has been awarded quality labels.
  • I therefore call for a common position to be adopted in order to give strength and substance to the very action of the European institutions, beginning with Parliament, in this field.
  • One of the major advantages of ASEM is that it provides an opportunity to engage leaders from various cultures and civilisations as well as from countries at different stages of development, in order to draw strength from unity in diversity.
  • In order to increase their strength, the two types of stitching the most often used when they are made-up are the safety seam and the double seam.
  • You need to have something in your stomach in order to regain your strength.
  • I hope the solutions proposed may find a broad consensus in Parliament in order to give greater strength to the arguments of all those in the Council and the Commission of the European Union that share them.
  • And so instead of the way of showing virtue such as fortitude or self-mastery, he borrowed from Julius II's wonderful collection of sculptures in order to show inner strength as external power.
  • We do indeed have before us a very important report, a very important piece of legislation for the very large number of people in the European Union who have joined together in common enterprises in order to pool their strengths and bring those strengths to market more effectively.
  • The monitoring processes, including a combination of internal and external evaluation mechanisms, have to be defined by Member States as appropriate in order to identify the strength of systems, processes and procedures and areas for improvement.
  • 3. Only products having a minimum acidity of 12 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid may have sucrose in aqueous solution added to them in order to increase the alcoholic strength.
  • It was our strong wish that this institute should be created with the backing of the representatives of the two largest parties within the European Parliament, precisely in order to benefit from this strength and support.
  • Express the density at t ºC in kilograms per m3 and carry out the temperature correction in order to calculate the alcoholic strength at 20 ºC, as indicated above for use of the single-pan balance.
  • produced in the Community, when they are used in order to increase the alcoholic strengths of wine products for which such increases are authorised within the meaning of this Regulation.
  • include procedures to review audit conclusions, in order to identify system-wide strengths and weaknesses in the control system, disseminate best practice and ensure the monitoring of corrective and preventive actions,
  • The Union must rely on its own strength in order to be effective.
  • Let it be clear, we maintain our strength in order to maintain peace.
  • You need strength in order to hold Yu Kyung back, right?
  • In areas of shared competence with the Member States it must play its part to the full and it must draw on its internal strength in order to pull its weight in shaping globalisation.
  • The EU is not using all its political and economic power and all its strength in order to solve the problem of Israel's colonialist domination of the Palestinian people by trying to make both countries acknowledge the pre-1967 borders.

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