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With respect to the above vs According to the above

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'With respect to the above' is commonly used to refer back to something mentioned earlier in a formal or professional setting. On the other hand, 'According to the above' is used to introduce information or statements that are based on what was mentioned earlier.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 1372 views

With respect to the above

This phrase is correct and commonly used in formal or professional settings to refer back to something mentioned earlier.

This phrase is used to indicate that the following statement is related to or in consideration of the information provided earlier in a text or conversation.


  • With respect to the above, we will now discuss the implications of the new policy.
  • With respect to the above points, I would like to add a few more details.
  • With respect to the above discussion, we have decided to take a different approach.
  • With respect to the above information, we can conclude that further research is needed.
  • With respect to the above examples, it is clear that there are various ways to approach the problem.
  • Given the comments they provided with respect to the above, and further requests for exclusion of other specific types of footwear, those claims have been analysed in detail below.
  • (10) The interested parties were invited to comment on those specific issues. Given the comments they provided with respect to the above, and further requests for exclusion of other specific types of footwear, those claims have been analysed in detail below.
  • With respect to the above claim it is noted that the purchases of bauxite from the related company were made at arm's length.
  • With respect to the above submission it is noted that the party's arguments are simply statements and not backed up by any new evidence.
  • With respect to the above it is noted that the Commission requested information that was deemed necessary for the investigation as the abovementioned documents had been identified in the complaint.
  • With respect to the above mentioned pilot phase the Commission and the EIB have agreed the following:
  • In addition, the Commission has decided to extend the proceedings laid down in Article 108(2) TFEU with respect to the above aid measures in favour of HGAA and BayernLB.
  • The provisions of Article 15 are without prejudice to any international obligations that the Contracting Parties may have entered into with respect to the above mentioned international entities.
  • The Commission initiates a formal investigation procedure in line with Article 88(2) of the EC Treaty with respect to the above measures of the schemes SI 1/2003 and N 402/2004.
  • No specific comments with respect to the above findings were made by Yale whereas one Community industry producer submitted some general comments.
  • With respect to the above stated claim, the following points should be highlighted: The basic Regulation delineates the rights of parties in the framework of anti-dumping proceedings and in this particular matter Article 7 sets out the procedural steps for imposition of provisional measures.


  • In relation to the above
  • Regarding the above
  • In reference to the above
  • Concerning the above
  • With regard to the above

According to the above

This phrase is correct and is used to introduce information or statements that are based on what was mentioned earlier.

This phrase is used to indicate that the following information or statement is in alignment with or supported by what was stated earlier.


  • According to the above data, we can see a clear trend emerging.
  • According to the above analysis, the project is likely to be successful.
  • According to the above explanation, the process can be completed in three steps.
  • According to the above mentioned guidelines, we should proceed with caution.
  • According to the above references, the author's argument is well-supported.
  • According to the above newspaper, the study reaches conclusions such as:
  • The Church of Smyrna was founded while Paul was ministering the Church of Ephesus. According to the above passage, the members of this church were rather poor, who, because of their faith, were antagonized by the Jews in their community.
  • According to the above NGO, the environmental impact assessment which has been submitted is incomplete, and the Spanish authorities appear to be in breach of a number of EC directives, notably Directive 2003/4/EC OJ L 41, 14.2.2003, p.
  • According to the above regulation'... provision may be made until 31 December 1999 for vacant posts to be filled by Austrian, Finnish and Swedish nationals up to the limits set in the context of budgetary discussions [...].
  • If the ANC decreases to < 1.0 x 109/ l during the treatment period, the dose of filgrastim should be re-escalated according to the above steps
  • If the ANC decreases to < 1.0 x 109/ l during the treatment period the dose of filgrastim should be re- escalated according to the above steps
  • In case that, according to the above membership contribution model, the contribution of a Member would exceed this level the difference is then distributed among the other Member/Observer States according to their percentage levels of GDP.
  • According to the above panel they should be allowed until alternative compounds or technologies are known.
  • According to the above table, two institutions (Council and EDPS) have not made any specific request for upgradings.
  • According to the above research findings, embryo deformations were caused by exposure to glyphosate concentrations of 2.03 mg/kg.
  • According to the above calculations, an appropriate level would be 6,92 % per annum and 0,3 % per annum respectively.
  • According to the above organisation's report, the AIDS epidemic in Africa is having a devastating effect on the security of the food supply in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • According to the above estimations, loans 1, 2 and 3 are granted at rates well above the applicable benchmark rates.
  • According to the above organisation's report, the AIDS epidemic in Africa is having a devastating effect on the security of the food supply in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • According to the above regulation, a database accessible to the public should also be set up on the Agency's website in order to provide up-to-date information on medicinal products independently from pharmaceutical companies.
  • According to the above, the Commission is expected to sign new contracts in the course of 2011.
  • According to the above report, Mr Nicolaides' book 'Verisimilitude' (only 50 copies of which were put on sale in Thailand, and only seven actually sold) contains a brief reference to the scandalous life of an unnamed Thai prince.
  • According to the above investigation, which was also published by international media as renowned as the BBC (30 November 2010) and Al Jazeera (1 December 2010), numerous cases of fraud against EU funds were committed in Italy.
  • According to the above opinions, what impact is the crop in question likely to have on human health and biodiversity?
  • According to the above study, the urgent priorities are to draw up a feasibility study for the BOAK and to investigate the reasons for the delay in carrying out improvement work, as well as the possibility of incorporating it into a cession scheme.


  • Based on the above
  • In accordance with the above
  • Following the above
  • Per the above
  • As per the above

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