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quantity of passengers vs amount of passengers

Both 'quantity of passengers' and 'amount of passengers' are correct phrases, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Quantity' is typically used when referring to a specific number of passengers, while 'amount' is more commonly used when referring to a general or unspecified number of passengers.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 3587 views

quantity of passengers

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a specific number of passengers.

This phrase is used when you want to specify the exact number of passengers, such as 'The quantity of passengers on the bus was 30.'


  • The quantity of passengers allowed on the boat is limited to 50.
  • Please provide the quantity of passengers attending the event.
  • The airline needs to know the quantity of passengers for the flight manifest.
  • I support moves to review the current restrictions on the quantity of liquids passengers are allowed to carry on board aircraft in the EU.
  • The Commission has proposed and implemented provisions to restrict the quantity of liquids which passengers may take on board an aircraft to 100 ml per person.
  • Under that regulation the quantity of liquids that passengers may carry with them on board may not exceed ten 100 ml bottles, a restriction which causes both irritation and serious inconvenience.
  • Subject: Yielding to the USA's pressure on airlines to supply unlimited quantities of data concerning passengers in advance of a possible agreement
  • Yielding to the USA's pressure on airlines to supply unlimited quantities of data concerning passengers in advance of a possible agreement
  • We cannot forget that this is a safe and environmentally friendly means of transport that enables the transport of large quantities of goods and passengers.
  • Since 6 November 2006, restrictions apply to the quantity of packaged liquids which passengers are allowed to take with them beyond the checkpoints and into aircraft, as laid down by the regulation issued by the Commission on 5 October 2006.
  • of 4 October 2006 (which limits the quantity of liquids which air passengers may carry in their hand luggage), particularly in respect of regional airports in remote and island areas? 3.
  • .1 Passenger and goods lifts shall, in respect of dimensioning, layout, number of passengers and/or quantity of goods, comply with the provisions laid down by the Administration of the flag State in each individual case or for each type of plant.
  • .1 Passenger and goods lifts shall, in respect of dimensioning, layout, number of passengers and/or quantity of goods, comply with the provisions laid down by the Administration of the flag State in each individual case or for each type of plant.
  • Furthermore, the allocation of allowances should be based on aircraft capacity ('available tonne kilometre - ATK') rather than on the concrete number of passengers and quantity of freight carried by an aircraft ('revenue tonne kilometre - RTK').
  • The competent authorities may impose local public passenger transport services on a transport undertaking if this is essential to safeguard the adequate quality and quantity of a transport service, or to offer special tariffs for certain groups of passengers.
  • The fact that snus is also used in other countries has led to significant quantities of snus being sold on board passenger vessels between Sweden and Finland.
  • Products of animal origin in quantities below a certain threshold which are part of passengers' luggage or sent as small consignments to consumers from Croatia should remain outside the scope of the systematic veterinary checks provided by Directive 97/78/EC.
  • In 2010, at Danish airports alone, 200 tonnes of liquids and creams, together with a large quantity of knives, scissors and other tools were confiscated from passengers' hand baggage.
  • Because of the new EU security regulations restricting the quantity of liquid that they may carry with them on board, passengers cannot buy water, for example, until after they themselves and their hand-baggage have been security-checked.
  • In the case of public passenger transport by road, the scale in terms of quantity of the routes or services put up for tender must be determined to ensure that small and medium-sized enterprises are not in practice excluded.
  • To ascertain whether the quantities of supplies delivered for victualling correspond to the normal requirements of the crew and passengers of the vessel or aircraft in question, Member States may require additional information or documents to be provided.
  • In regular operation the quantity and quality of air provided inside the area of vehicles occupied by passengers and/or staff shall be such that no risk is developed to the health of passengers or staff additional to those resulting from the external ambient air quality.
  • The quantity of meat and meat products and milk and milk products carried by passengers that should be exempted from the systematic veterinary checks at borders provided for by Directive 97/78/EC should thus be fixed at zero.


  • number of passengers
  • total passengers
  • count of passengers
  • volume of passengers
  • figure of passengers

amount of passengers

This phrase is correct but is more commonly used when referring to a general or unspecified number of passengers.

This phrase is used when you want to refer to passengers in a more general sense, such as 'The amount of passengers using public transportation has increased.'


  • The amount of passengers waiting at the station was overwhelming.
  • We need to consider the amount of passengers expected for the event.
  • The amount of passengers on the train was higher than usual.
  • The fourth plea concerns infringement of the principle of proportionality, in particular on account of the fact that the agreement provides for the transfer of an excessive amount of passenger data and those data are stored by the American authorities for too long.
  • I have voted for the terms of this agreement which would prevent an unacceptable amount of personal passenger data being transmitted to the US authorities.
  • Over the past year, the airlines have begun cutting back on the amount of luggage a passenger can check onto a flight.
  • I have voted, again, for the prevention of an unacceptable amount of personal passenger data being transmitted to the US authorities, without adequate protection being offered by the US authorities for the civil liberties of European passengers.
  • Obviously, good predictability will definitely enable us in everyday practical circumstances to tell beforehand how much time security checks, for example, will take up and thereby reduce the amount of inconvenience caused to passengers.
  • Where passengers are carried by air, all air carriers shall be insured to cover their liability for death, wounding or any other bodily injury sustained by a passenger for the minimum amount of 250000 SDRs per passenger.
  • Could the Council be more precise and give the exact amount which the processing of passenger name record data is expected to cost per passenger per flight?
  • that the passenger fee in the amount of EUR 9,18 per passenger collected by Ryanair is paid on to Finavia or whether this should be classified as State aid.
  • - levies: flat-rate or progressive (per kilometres flown) amount per passenger or aircraft;
  • The amount overdue for passenger duty for airport development (Spatosimo) as assessed by tax authorities is EUR [...] million.
  • Today, it is estimated by the Commission that the annual volume of international bus and coach transport amounts to 72.8 million passengers.
  • For ease of application, the Irish authorities obliged each airline to pay to the Revenue service the relevant amount per passenger departing from an Irish airport and carried by that airline.
  • Under the requested authorisation, the amount of VAT on expenditure eligible for deduction in respect of passenger cars which are not used entirely for business purposes should, with some exceptions, be set at a flat percentage rate.
  • The amount per passenger must, for example, decrease with the net increase in traffic for the aid to remain an incentive and to avoid adjusting ceilings.
  • Under Commission Decision 2002/995/EC, all personal imports of meat in the luggage of passengers from Asia have been banned with the exception of small amounts of specialist food products, such as baby food.
  • The Commission proposal in fact provided higher amounts for rail passengers than are currently provided for air travellers;
  • However, the level of passenger car emissions is a function of the amount of fuel used, that is, the distance driven, the quality of the petrol, and, essentially, also of time.
  • Publicity: States must ensure that the list of routes receiving aid is published annually for each airport, in each instance indicating the source of public funding, the recipient company, the amount of aid paid and the number of passengers concerned.
  • (j) Publicity: States must ensure that the list of routes receiving aid is published annually for each airport, in each instance indicating the source of public funding, the recipient company, the amount of aid paid and the number of passengers concerned.
  • Publicity: The EFTA States must ensure that the list of routes receiving aid is published annually for each airport, in each instance indicating the source of public funding, the recipient company, the amount of aid paid and the number of passengers concerned.


  • number of passengers
  • total passengers
  • count of passengers
  • volume of passengers
  • figure of passengers

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