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Please find attached an updated version of vs please find the attached updated version

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Please find attached an updated version of' is commonly used when referring to an attachment in an email or document. 'Please find the attached updated version' is also correct and is more commonly used in a formal context.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 6419 views

Please find attached an updated version of

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to an attachment in an email or document.

This phrase is typically used in emails or messages to inform the recipient that an updated version of a document or file is attached.
  • An updated version of the guidelines is open for public consultation until 31 December 2011.
  • An updated version of this BREF was adopted by the Commission in May 2010.
  • Frankenstein is an updated version of a Cold War memorandum.
  • The Polish authorities notified an updated version of the plan dated November 2006 on 2 February 2007, i.e. after the original final decision had been adopted.
  • An updated version of the report, including information and statistics on pensions in the enlarged EU, was to be published at the end of 2004.
  • They should annually communicate to the Commission and the other Member States an updated version of that report giving an effective overview of the situation.
  • Frankenstein is an updated version of a Cold War memorandum, suggesting the potential of intersecting intelligence missions with U.S. military serving abroad.
  • The Governing Council authorised the publication of an updated version of the brochure on the Correspondent Central Banking Model (CCBM).
  • On 31 January 2007, the Commission received an updated version of the initial notification containing the necessary information and data to enable it to assess the notified transaction in the light of current market conditions.
  • This report is expected to be finalised by end of April 2004 and will constitute an updated version of the 2002 AQG Report.
  • 5. Each year, before 1 December, producers' organizations shall forward to the competent authority an updated version of the particulars listed in Annex I.
  • Globalisation, which is in reality an updated version of capitalism, is taken as a given, as if it were a law of nature.
  • At the most recent Ministerial Meeting of 2 July 2010, an inclusive Zimbabwean Delegation headed by Minister Mangoma, handed over an updated version of the GPA Commitment Plan.
  • This information, together with an updated version of the restructuring plan, was submitted by letter dated 31 of May 2005, registered on 2 June 2005.
  • Each year the Commission shall present to the Council an updated version of the actuarial assessment, in accordance with Article 1(2) of Annex XII.
  • Details were provided in a press release published on the same day together with an updated version of the consolidated calendar for the Eurosystem's tender operations.
  • An updated version of the «European Union balance of payments/ international investment position statistical methods» ("B.o.p. Book") was published on the ECB's website on 25 November 2005.
  • An updated version of this joke might be; 'let us take care of Iraq before Iraqi terrorists take care of us'.
  • The Commission intends to adopt an updated version of the standard rules of procedure, mainly to bring them into line with the new rules on access to documents (see below).
  • Finally, the 2000 framework for cooperation between Europe and Asia, an updated version of the first one, adopted at the last meeting in London, outlines the objectives and procedures which will govern the ASEM process over the next decade.


  • please find attached the updated version of
  • please find attached a revised version of
  • please find attached the latest version of
  • please find attached a new version of
  • please find attached an updated copy of

please find the attached updated version

This phrase is correct and commonly used in a formal context.

This phrase is often used in formal communication to indicate that the updated version is already attached.
  • Lauren, will you please find the correct number for Stan Wood?
  • We just thought this was an updated version.
  • The updated version of the scheme was submitted on 7 February 2014.
  • It was not an easy task, because the Council continuously submitted updated versions.
  • last updated version as approved by the competent authorities
  • Here's the updated version of this entry.
  • An updated version of the guidelines is open for public consultation until 31 December 2011.
  • An updated version of this BREF was adopted by the Commission in May 2010.
  • An updated version was provided on 8 November 2010 as is described in recital 31.
  • The updated version of the single document is set out in Annex II to this Regulation.
  • The updated version is available at:
  • Please check http://docs. kde. org for updated versions of this document.
  • Frankenstein is an updated version of a Cold War memorandum.
  • Consequently, this updated version should further strengthen the appeal of the single European market in many third countries.
  • Please find the development of these conclusions in Annex A supported by tables 1, 2 and 3 that are sent direct to the Honourable Member and to Parliament's Secretariat
  • Children, please find the nearest emergency exit and in an orderly manner...
  • That would have been the time to point the finger at those - such as the British Government - who are now writing clever letters asking us to please find the ECU 100 m after all.
  • As requested in the decision to initiate the procedure, Poland submitted the updated version of the restructuring plan on 31 May 2005. Poland has submitted further updated versions since then.
  • A consolidated, updated version of the information package, accompanied by a detailed description of the change s, shall be deemed to meet this requirement.
  • The Polish authorities notified an updated version of the plan dated November 2006 on 2 February 2007, i.e. after the original final decision had been adopted.


  • please find the attached revised version
  • please find the attached latest version
  • please find the attached new version
  • please find the attached updated copy
  • please find the attached version that has been updated

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