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please find the following sites for your reference vs please find the attached file for your reference

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. The first phrase is used when providing a list of websites or URLs for reference, while the second phrase is used when referring to an attached file for reference.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 1475 views

please find the following sites for your reference

This phrase is correct and commonly used when providing a list of websites or URLs for reference.

This phrase is used to inform someone that a list of websites or URLs is being provided for their reference.
  • The Honourable Member can find the results on the following sites:
  • We have got multiple code ones at the following sites...
  • We have got multiple code ones at the following sites...
  • Text available from the following site:
  • In particular, the following sites may be mentioned.
  • More information concerning NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centres) may be found at the following site: .
  • & When browsing the following site:
  • Problems have been found at the following sites: livestock markets of national importance, border inspection posts, ports where animals are transferred from lorries to vessels, slaughterhouses and so on. I can provide more details in writing.
  • For more information, the Honourable Member is invited to consult the following site:
  • The consolidated text of the production rules can be found at the following site:
  • Lauren, will you please find the correct number for Stan Wood?
  • covering the following site(s) of manufacture (and contract testing laboratories, if any):
  • The Honourable Member may find additional details on this campaign and the good practice guide that will be issued at this occasion on the following site:
  • The Advisory Structure of scientific committees and experts is established by Commission Decision 2008/721/EC which is available on the following site:
  • Children, please find the nearest emergency exit and in an orderly manner...
  • That would have been the time to point the finger at those - such as the British Government - who are now writing clever letters asking us to please find the ECU 100 m after all.
  • Please find the development of these conclusions in Annex A supported by tables 1, 2 and 3 that are sent direct to the Honourable Member and to Parliament's Secretariat
  • Candidate sites for the label must submit a work plan which includes all of the following elements:
  • Could the Commission provide information on the industrial installations authorised by the Xunta (autonomous government) of Galicia (Spain) on the following site of Community importance: 'SCI ES1140016-Enseada de San Simón' in the Natura 2000 network?
  • A surface of about 100 cm2 per site shall be swabbed using one single abrasive sponge for all the following sites as indicated and numbered below in accordance with Annex A of standard ISO 17604:


  • please find the following links for your reference
  • please refer to the following sites for more information

please find the attached file for your reference

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to an attached file for reference.

This phrase is used to inform someone that an attached file is being provided for their reference.
  • If you select Add Comments in the Attached File the comments included with the images will be merged to a text file and attached in the mail.
  • Lauren, will you please find the correct number for Stan Wood?
  • Internet skills for sending e-mails with attached files
  • Children, please find the nearest emergency exit and in an orderly manner...
  • That would have been the time to point the finger at those - such as the British Government - who are now writing clever letters asking us to please find the ECU 100 m after all.
  • Please find the development of these conclusions in Annex A supported by tables 1, 2 and 3 that are sent direct to the Honourable Member and to Parliament's Secretariat
  • To contact the OHIM with respect to matters concerning the Website and in particular questions relating to E-Business as such, please find the appropriate contact details on the OHIM's support-website.
  • If you enable this option, all image properties set by %1 as Comments, Rating, or Tags, will be added as an attached file.
  • Seriously, please find another book.
  • Please find more information about KDE at/.
  • Please find out who did this.
  • I think you will find the European Parliament agrees with your reference to the policies and tactics of the European Union and I would like, on behalf of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament, to welcome this political move by the Commission.
  • Click Find to search the file for the first occurrence of the string after your current cursor position. If gedit finds the string, the application selects first occurrence of the string. Other occurrences of the string are highlighted.
  • internet skills for sending e-mails with attached files (e.g. documents, pictures),
  • Yes, yes - please find out if Natalie or Marilyn or whatever she's calling herself can make a presentable witness.
  • Someone please find a silver lining to this fiasco.
  • And someone please find out who the opposition is.
  • Please... please find our daughter.
  • Mr. Tinsdale, please find that phone and answer it.
  • Ann-Sofie, please find something to carry it in.


  • please see the attached file for your reference
  • please refer to the attached document for more details

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