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find information on vs find information about

Both 'find information on' and 'find information about' are commonly used phrases in English. They are interchangeable and can be used depending on personal preference or context. There is no significant difference in meaning between the two.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 981 views

find information on

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when searching for specific details or data related to a topic, subject, or person.


  • I need to find information on the latest research in the field of medicine.
  • Can you help me find information on the history of ancient civilizations?
  • She is trying to find information on sustainable energy sources.
  • Lets you view web pages and find information on the internet. Powered by WebKit
  • Lets you view web pages and find information on the internet. Powered by WebKit %d.%d.%d
  • The & koffice; homepage. Here you can find information on how to get and install & koffice;, news about & koffice; development, screenshots & etc;
  • You'll find information on all of this on these pages.
  • Where can those affected find information on their stored data?
  • She could only find information on one person. Walter Russell.
  • You said they fronted this expedition, but I can't find information on them.
  • You can find information on which authorities to contact in order to challenge a decision in this country at the end of this leaflet.
  • The Internet opens up totally new opportunities for both traders and purchasers to find information on a particular product using an identification number.
  • Even if one goes onto Wikipedia one can find information on how to commit suicide.
  • Member States should make information available on where to find information on the rights of persons affected by a major accident.
  • If the police could find information on Jacs and the Holt family and they could prosecute, they would.
  • The operation of the power station is transparent and fellow members can find information on it on the website of the country's nuclear safety administration.
  • Please find information on how to register here. ACIST: This tool will allow users to generate reports on seizures on IP infringements within the EU. During this initial stage of the tool, access is restricted.
  • For general information on plug-ins and how to use them, see the section on Plug-ins. You can find information on the filters that are provided with GIMP in the Filters chapter. For filters you install yourself, please refer to the information which came with them.
  • This chapter explains course authors how to create Content Packagings. Additionally, you will find information on how to embed your CPs in courses and explains the features of the CP editor.
  • Cooperative governance means good, responsible, goal-oriented management and monitoring of the Cooperative. You can find information on the organisation, senior executives and remuneration under Cooperative Governance.
  • In this feature you can find information on environmental topics related to the climate talks, an interview with the delegation chair Jo Leinen, (S&D) and the position of the EP on the Cancún conference.


  • look up information on
  • search for information on
  • gather information on
  • retrieve information on

find information about

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is also used when looking for details or data related to a specific topic, subject, or person.


  • I need to find information about the company's new product launch.
  • Can you help me find information about the author of this book?
  • She is trying to find information about the upcoming event.
  • I was in new Orleans trying to find information about my real parents.
  • Agent Kallus, I've exhausted every resource to find information about the rebels, but there is nothing to be found!
  • The schoolteacher, The Wise, is an expert in to find information about everything and all.
  • You will find information about founder's week.
  • In an almanac you can find information about the phases of the moon.
  • On this page you will find information about ECDC's transparency and independence.
  • As regards climate change, we find information about greenhouse gas emissions.
  • You know, since we first crossed paths, I've tried to find information about you, but there is none.
  • The families usually have some consistency as to where they're located, I at least have them in public record, where I can find information about them.
  • In a reprint of a press article entitled Szansa dla miasteczka published in Słowo Ludu on 25 November 1988, we can find information about śliwka szydłowska production and about the purchasing problems associated with it.
  • Welcome to the "KDE Info Center", a central place to find information about your computer system.
  • For more information about & sonnet;, visit the sonnet; Home Page. In particular, you will find information about programming the & sonnet; C++ class.
  • You will also find information about the user and developer mailing lists as well as additional developer resources.
  • You can find information about the other applets available for & kicker; in the & kicker; manual. Just enter help:/ kicker in the Location bar in & konqueror;.
  • Facebook and YouTube are just two places online where you can find information about the elections.
  • Therefore the Parliament urges the Commission - in cooperation with the sector - to draw up a practical handbook for European artists, where they can find information about sickness insurance, unemployment benefits and similar issues.
  • So what we decided to do was to see how long it would take to crack these passwords using the best cracking tools that the bad guys are using, or that we could find information about in the research literature.
  • Therefore the committee urges the Commission - in cooperation with the sector - to draw up a practical handbook for European artists, where they can find information about sickness insurance, unemployment benefits and similar issues.
  • Here you will find information about the work we do - for example, agendas of our forthcoming meetings, or draft reports and amendments to these - and information about the Members of the Committee, so that you can contact any of them directly.
  • Furthermore, when I tried to find information about any previous meeting of the EU-Israel Association Council, I found none available for the last two years.


  • look up information about
  • search for information about
  • gather information about
  • retrieve information about

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