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the question of vs the question at

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'The question of' is used when referring to the topic or subject of a question, while 'the question at' is used when referring to the location or situation where a question is being asked.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 835 views

the question of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to the topic or subject of a question. It introduces the main point or issue being discussed.


  • The question of climate change is a pressing concern for many scientists.
  • She raised the question of funding for the project during the meeting.
  • Which brings me to the question of non-fraternization.
  • The first involves the question of gender.
  • Mr Titford mentioned the question of funding cultural organisations.
  • Finally there is the question of employee involvement.
  • It will clarify the question of country eligibility.
  • Mr Brok also mentioned the question of standardisation.
  • This report also raises the question of banning animal testing.
  • Lastly, there is the question of non-proliferation.
  • Finally, the question of gender language.
  • Here the question of intellectual property and patenting creates great difficulties.
  • Mrs Weber raised the question of inequality.
  • Mr Özdemir raised the question of asylum.
  • Mr Andersson mentioned the question of consultation.
  • Various Members also raised the question of copyright.
  • Therefore, I'd like to revisit the question of resettling him.
  • The second area is the question of the legal basis.
  • Years ago, the question of ownership was important, but no longer.
  • My final point concerns the question of universal service, which has already been mentioned earlier.
  • Finally, I would call attention to the question of objective liability.
  • Five of the amendments address the question of safety directly.


  • the issue of
  • the matter of
  • the topic of
  • the problem of
  • the concern of

the question at

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to the location or situation where a question is being asked. It specifies the context in which the question is being posed.


  • The question at hand is whether we should proceed with the project.
  • I'm not sure about the question at this point in the discussion.
  • But that comparison is not relevant to the question at issue here.
  • If you want, raise the question at the group meeting.
  • Yes, I'm going to pop the question at my birthday party.
  • Now, I know that is not the question at hand here today.
  • I got asked the question at Northwestern
  • That was the question at the root of it.
  • If the matter changes, perhaps you might wish to come back to the question at a later date.
  • But that leaves the question at what to do with you.
  • As noted by the Honourable Member, the question at issue is currently before the Court of Justice.
  • I urge the Slovenian Presidency and the President of the Commission to raise the question at the summit.
  • That is a staggering reply, because it did not answer the question at all.
  • The Commission would also add that the question at stake refers to stock management issues but does not directly relate to the type of gear concerned.
  • However, the question at hand is whether, in reality, all Member States can benefit from the Fund.
  • To be good or not is the question at your age, but you said it's too late for you.
  • It was a long and very controversial debate and the question at issue was essentially to decide whether extending the Ombudsman's powers was a rational step.
  • From what I understood from Commissioner Kovács, the Commission would be prepared to answer the question at the part-session in Strasbourg in two weeks' time.
  • Mr President, the question at issue here is the political management of globalisation, so that we can encourage the orderly development of trade and avoid market disruption.
  • I'm afraid that's out of the question at this point
  • Why accept the question at all if you are not going to go into the detail?
  • Within this framework, though, the question at issue is whether we can maintain the European social model in the Europe of twenty-five, which will tomorrow be twenty-seven or even more, is the one that bothers me most of all.


  • the query at
  • the inquiry at
  • the issue at
  • the matter at
  • the topic at

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