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this kind of project vs Such kind of project

Both "this kind of project" and "such kind of project" are commonly used in English, but they have slightly different nuances. "This kind of project" is more specific and refers to a particular project that is being discussed or is known to the speaker. On the other hand, "such kind of project" is more general and can refer to any project of a similar nature. The choice between the two depends on the context and the level of specificity required.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 1734 views

this kind of project

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use "this kind of project" when referring to a specific project that is known or being discussed.


  • This kind of project requires a lot of attention to detail.
  • I have never seen this kind of project before.
  • There should be even more schools doing this kind of project.
  • It should be noted that this kind of project is not included in any of the Annexes of Council Directive 8 5/337/EEC.
  • I think it is important for the regulation to establish that the Commission will continue to spend money on this kind of project in the future, as it does now.
  • Over the course of last year, open-source hardware hackers have come up with multiple models for usable, Linux-based mobile phones, and the Earth Phone could spin off from this kind of project.
  • say whether there are any programmes or funding to support this kind of project; 2.
  • say whether there are any programmes or funding to support this kind of project;
  • Furthermore, this kind of project is often entrusted to an outside company as the experience of several Member States demonstrates.
  • How can the Commission have given the go-ahead for this kind of project, merely proposing compulsory labelling and a review of the provisions in 2 years' time etc.?
  • I therefore call for an extremely specific answer on the matter of funding: does the European Union still intend to finance this kind of project, which formally aims at demobilisation, whereas in actual fact it ends up providing support for the paramilitary groups?
  • This kind of project may be carried out by the relevant authorities in the field in question.
  • This kind of project requires support and more resources than are currently on the table.
  • Does the Commission consider funding for this kind of project to be sustainable and effective?
  • They should be our natural partners when planning and implementing this kind of project.
  • As you know, I already spoke about European funds through project bonds specifically designed for this kind of project.
  • I am sure you all agree with me that the process has only just begun, and that obviously this kind of project can only succeed in the long term.
  • I have read a lot of reports on this, but I think one needs to appreciate that this kind of expectation or this kind of project has actually always been an extrapolation from existing policy.
  • It is particularly important that this kind of project should receive European Union assistance, especially from the Cohesion Fund and the European Regional Development Fund, in order to create conditions that are favourable to the development of transport infrastructure.
  • The exemption provided for in Article 107(3)(b) concerning the promotion of the execution of an important project of common European interest cannot be applied in this case either, since the aid in question was not intended to promote this kind of project.
  • To guarantee compliance with the common Treaty we should take a positive view of this kind of project.


  • this type of project
  • this sort of project
  • this category of project
  • this particular kind of project
  • this specific kind of project

Such kind of project

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use "such kind of project" when referring to a general category of projects that share similar characteristics.


  • I don't like working on such kind of project.
  • Such kind of project is usually very time-consuming.
  • Possibilities for funding such kinds of project could, however, be explored under the Community's regional policies and programmes:
  • Websites are normally very good clients in such kinds of cross-border enforcement actions.
  • This kind of projects needs more support.
  • I love such kind of business!
  • Nobody taught us how to deal with such kinds of disabilities, and as many questions as possible started to come to our minds.
  • You employ such kind of employee who beats people
  • Except a few cases, such kind of advertising is prohibited See Article 3 of Directive 2003/33/EC...
  • In Nicaragua, we can see a warning example that such kinds of rulers do not change.
  • What we are trying to do now is gather such kinds of information using the consumer market scoreboard.
  • There should be even more schools doing this kind of project.
  • And the third kind of project: something for the local environment.
  • State aid rules should make an exemption for this kind of projects.
  • This kind of project may be carried out by the relevant authorities in the field in question.
  • rather than one targeted at specific kinds of projects.
  • They should be our natural partners when planning and implementing this kind of project.
  • This kind of project requires support and more resources than are currently on the table.
  • Next to the general position as outlined in the explanatory statement in this specific case there would also be a danger of insufficient direct democratic control of such kind of operational activities.
  • A lot of people think that we - working in the Sonderkommando - we were guilty of something... because we were doing such kind of a work.
  • Please don't do such kind of things.
  • And for such kind of men, the less you meddle or make with them, why, the more is for your honesty.


  • such type of project
  • such sort of project
  • such category of project
  • such particular kind of project
  • such specific kind of project

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