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depending on the name of the vs depending on the name

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Depending on the name of the' is used when referring to a specific name or title, while 'depending on the name' is more general and can be used when the specific name is not important.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 • 940 views

depending on the name of the

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a specific name or title.

This phrase is used when the outcome or decision is influenced by the specific name mentioned.


  • The treatment plan will vary depending on the name of the disease.
  • The rules change depending on the name of the event.
  • If you place a script into one of those directories it will be run either hourly, daily, weekly or monthly, depending on the name of the directory. If you want more ...
  • Vim behaves differently, depending on the name of the command (the exe- cutable may still be the same file). vim The "normal" way, everything is default. ex  ...
  • Vim behaves differently, depending on the name of the command (the exe- cutable may still be the same file). vim The "normal" way, everything is default. ex  ...
  • but I would need to do this for every value, and the values are dynamic in length depending on the name of the column. Thanks in advance.


  • depending on the title of the
  • depending on the nature of the
  • depending on the type of the
  • depending on the category of the
  • depending on the characteristics of the

depending on the name

This phrase is correct and can be used in a more general context where the specific name is not crucial.

This phrase is used when the outcome or decision is influenced by a name in a more general sense.


  • The success of the project will vary depending on the name chosen.
  • The outcome is uncertain, depending on the name given to the initiative.
  • Become an excellent conversationalist depending on the name of the person you are addressing. We are our names. Recognize what others reveal in their ...
  • In many cases (depending on the name root) the suffixes can be also "-ski" (male and plural) or "-ska" (female); "-ovski", "-evski" (male and plural) or "-ovska", ...
  • On Sheet2 I have the names for example from G4:G8 and I want to know the sum of the numbers depending on the name for example next to ...
  • Change this depending on the name of your PHP file downloadUrl(" phpsqlajax_genxml.php", function(data) { var xml = data.responseXML; var markers = xml.


  • based on the name
  • according to the name
  • in relation to the name
  • in accordance with the name
  • varying with the name

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