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after the course of 10 vs after the course of

The phrase 'after the course of 10' is incorrect, while 'after the course of' is a correct construction. The addition of '10' at the end of the first phrase does not make sense in English. The second phrase is a valid structure that can be used in sentences to indicate a period of time or a sequence of events.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 952 views

after the course of 10

This phrase is incorrect and not used in English.

This phrase does not make sense in English and should be avoided.
  • 38 noted after the first year of treatment and remained during the course of the study.
  • This increased incidence was noted after the first year of treatment and remained during the course of the study.
  • These events took place in 1999, in the course of the violence which erupted after the KLA entered Kosovo and led to the disappearance of some 1300 Serb civilians.
  • The existing contracts varied in terms of complexity and duration but all expired in the course of one or two years after the establishment of Mesta AS.
  • In addition, the Commission received the following comments from interested parties in the course of the investigation more than a month after the publication of the opening decision.
  • After the referral of the original report to the REX Committee on 6th November 1997, substantial amendments were introduced on our behalf in the course of subsequent constructive deliberations with the rapporteur.
  • The study programme is divided into two years of study, including a one week course in London. Over the course of 10 study blocks, the students will receive in-depth knowledge of strategic corporate management and must demonstrate the skills they have acquired in project work.
  • The excess risk gradually disappears during the course of the 10 years after cessation of COC use.
  • Re-allocation of a case after the initial allocation period of two months should only occur where the facts known about the case change materially during the course of the proceedings.
  • Furthermore, after the Commission issues these proposals, the Council and the European Parliament are requested to enter into dialogue with national parliaments giving them reasonable time to express their views, in the course of which they may in turn consult each other.
  • No new plea in law may be introduced after the first exchange of pleadings unless it is based on matters of law or of fact which come to light in the course of the procedure.
  • (26) In addition, the Commission received the following comments from interested parties in the course of the investigation more than a month after the publication of the opening decision.
  • The capsules can be taken immediately before, during or immediately after the course of the meal, if preferred.
  • It permits three operations in the host Member State, the last unloading before departure from the host State occuring at most seven days after the last unloading in the course of the incoming carriage.
  • Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, the entire Community acquis, i.e. all the legal acts of the European Union without exception were sent to the candidate countries immediately after the resolution of the Luxembourg European Council in December 1997, during the course of screening.
  • After the political agreement reached at Gaborone, two weeks ago, between the participants in this process, the Commission is now launching the preparatory work for the full implementation by the Community of the control regime in the course of next year.
  • Both during and after the period of secondment, an SNE shall exercise the greatest discretion with regard to all facts and information of which he becomes aware in the course of or in connection with the performance of his duties.
  • In particular, the trends reflected for the period after the IP and until the end of 2008 could to a large extent be verified already in the course of the verification visits which took place.
  • In the course of the hearing it became very clear how much international experience of monetary matters Mr Duisenberg has acquired in the course of his professional life.
  • Statistical projects, as for the past two years, will be subject to specific calls for tender to be published in the course of the validity of the present call, after the updating of the rolling biennial statistical programme.

after the course of

This phrase is a correct construction in English.

This phrase can be used to indicate a period of time or a sequence of events in a sentence.
  • The capsules can be taken immediately before, during or immediately after the course of the meal, if preferred.
  • If the condition is unchanged after the second course of therapy, surgery of the patent ductus arteriosus may then be necessary.
  • If the condition is unchanged after the second course of therapy, surgery of the PDA may then be necessary.
  • This compares favourably with the TTP achieved after the prior course of MabThera (12.4 months).
  • Human anti chimeric antibodies (HACA) develop in some patients after the first course of MabThera (see section 5.1).
  • We will also have to take some decisions after Copenhagen during the course of next year.
  • It is used during the patients' first' remission' (a period without symptoms of the disease after the first course of treatment).
  • The main measure of effectiveness was the number of patients who had no high-grade dysplasia left at least six months after the first course of treatment.
  • After the first course of vaccinations against Hib and MenC has been completed a booster dose of Hib and MenC should be given, usually at some time in the second year of life.
  • - Continued delivery of ABAC and SI2 courses after the completion of the intensive phase, as well as the courses on private and public-sector accounting, even though at times training material and documentation did not keep pace with system changes.
  • Your doctor may advise you to have a blood test after you have completed the course of vaccinations to check if you have made a satisfactory response.
  • Alan Greenspan's proclamations that the years of economic growth would go on and on, not challenged by his peers, until after the crisis, of course.
  • This is not, in essence, the old approach of harmonization but, if you like, the new approach whereby Community legislation is used to lay down minimum requirements after which, in the course of reciprocal recognition, other issues can also play a role.
  • (18) The Commission may consider proposing codification in due course after the adoption of the proposals,
  • Thus, after the pollution of water courses by the herbicide Atrazine, which everyone has heard about, and the decimation of bee populations, the chemical industry is trying to draw a veil over the fact that France remains the European Union's number one pesticide user.
  • Right after the course on toppling evil corporations bent on world domination.
  • When doxycycline is administered shortly before, during or after courses of isotretinoin, there is the possibility of potentiation between the medicinal products to cause reversible pressure increase in the intracranial cavity (pseudotumour cerebri).
  • The natural course of peripheral neuropathy to resolution to baseline due to cumulative toxicity of Abraxane after > 6 courses of treatment was not evaluated and remains unknown.
  • I'm still rather full after the first course, to be honest.
  • Insomnia that persists or worsens after a short course of zaleplon treatment may indicate a need to re-evaluate the patient.

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