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to the og vs to the ogs

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'To the og' is used when referring to a single original gangster, while 'to the ogs' is used when referring to multiple original gangsters.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 1287 views

to the og

This phrase is correct when referring to a single original gangster.

Use 'to the og' when talking about a single original gangster, often as a term of respect or acknowledgment.


  • Cheers to the og for paving the way for us.
  • Shoutout to the og for always looking out for the community.
  • 'It was only when we were determined to go the whole 'og, 'we were all on a we had an overtime ban and for seven weeks.
  • Temporary advances paid by Centres for Social Welfare on the basis of the obligation to provide temporary maintenance pursuant to the Family Act (OG 116/03, as amended)';
  • Easy, let the OG take you in.
  • I'll press the OG for his decision before then.
  • I have always told progressive and trade union opponents in the OG of NAFTA that they are missing the point.
  • Luckily, we intercepted his SOS, 'cause from the looks of it, he's been hitting the OG kush. Lester...
  • Maybe they'll flip on the OG, give us some leverage.
  • The internal guidelines were entitled 'Oppgave-og rollefordeling, avtaleformer mellom myndighet og produksjon'.
  • On 2 July 2006 the Norwegian authorities adopted Royal Decree No 123 on the implementation of the Compensation Scheme: 'Forskrift om kompensasjon for ulnnet arbeidsinnsats i Skattefunn-godkjente forsknings- og utviklingsprosjekter for inntektsårene 2002, 2003 og 2004'.
  • Revised Agreement of 22 September 2004, 'Avtale mellom den norske stat v/Olje- og energidepartementet og Enova SF om forvaltningen av midlene fa Energifondet i perioden 2002-2005'.
  • Entities operating pursuant to Lov om anlegg og drift av jernbane, herunder sporvei, tunnelbane og forstadsbane m.m (LOV 1993-06-11100) (Jernbaneloven).
  • Norges Offentlige Utredinger (NOU) 2003: 3, Merverdiavgiften og kommunene, Konkurransevridninger mellom kommuner og private (hereinafter referred to as the 'Ratts report').
  • The fabric swatches are in these cata ogs.
  • He took a Del Toro bullet meant for OG.
  • He and OG were doing a drop in Marcus Garvey Park.
  • Ogs, I really don't get the whole Alfonso thing.
  • Denmark Industri- og Handelsstyrelsen (supply contracts)
  • Secondly, the participation of Og Vodafone in the project was sought.
  • 9 direktorater og institutioner - 9 directorates and institutions
  • in Denmark, "Erhvervs- og Selskabstyrelsen";

to the ogs

This phrase is correct when referring to multiple original gangsters.

Use 'to the ogs' when addressing or acknowledging multiple original gangsters collectively.


  • Let's raise a toast to the ogs who have been holding it down for years.
  • Respect to the ogs for their contributions to the neighborhood.

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