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research conducted vs research performed

Both 'research conducted' and 'research performed' are correct and commonly used phrases in English. They can be used interchangeably to refer to the process of carrying out research. The choice between the two may depend on personal preference or the specific context in which they are used.

Last updated: March 21, 2024 • 2614 views

research conducted

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe the act of carrying out research or investigations.


  • The research conducted by the team provided valuable insights into the problem.
  • The university announced the results of the research conducted by its faculty members.
  • The company is known for the high-quality research conducted in its laboratories.
  • According to research conducted by the Committee on Budgetary Control, 43% of financial transactions were incorrect.
  • Like research into other technologies, the objective of the research conducted in the nuclear sector is to improve performance in the various areas concerned.
  • Please understand that I have transcribed in this column the result of research conducted by scientists and psychologists specialized in studying animals.
  • This report shall include an assessment of the conclusions of the observers' reports and any other appropriate information, including any research conducted within the Member States to reduce the incidental capture of cetaceans in fisheries.
  • It is important to raise awareness of the research conducted and to ensure that the knowledge being developed in the network will also benefit other companies and universities.
  • According to research conducted by the Austrian broadcasting company ÖRF, in early 2011 sodium thiopental manufactured by the pharmaceuticals firm Sandoz in Kundl, Austria, was exported to the USA via an intermediary.
  • According to research conducted by the Hong Kong Baptist University, a mixture of artificial herbs made from roots, bark and Gou Teng is a valid treatment for Parkinson's disease.
  • This assessment is based, in particular, on the research conducted by the EEAC network, the results of a questionnaire sent out by the EESC to several national focal points and NCSDs, and a number of civil society organisations.
  • It should be remembered - as is shown by research conducted by accountancy firm Ernst & Young - that three quarters of applications submitted by small enterprises in Europe for research subsidies and the purchase of new technologies are, unfortunately, rejected by the banks.
  • According to research conducted in 2000 by the European Environment Agency, there were at the time 300000 cases of pollution within the territory of the then 15 Member States and it would cost a total of € 106 billion to clean them up.
  • I have, however, to say that the research conducted by the Commission in preparation for this directive showed that the final outcome is in fact practically the same whichever method is used: the Commission has put forward the negative list because the earlier approach was rejected.
  • In addition, is the Commission still expecting the results on the research conducted for the European Parliament's Written Declaration 0040/2007 regarding primates in animal testing to be ready by the end of October?
  • Lastly, France considers that the common image of IFP and Axens in the market necessarily stems from the fact that Axens distributes products resulting from the research conducted by IFP, and that this common image must be distinguished from an absence of autonomous behaviour.
  • Research conducted at the Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene of the National Taiwan University has shown how Chinese herbs containing aristolochic acid (such as Mu Tong) increase the risk of urinary tract tumours.
  • Research conducted in Poland to identify barriers to the take-up of structural funds has shown that the two main obstacles are the lack of comprehensive information and the bureaucratic system of applying for EU funds and accounting for their use.
  • Research conducted by a group of academics at Swansea University shows that a personal profile corresponds to every gait and that the way we walk reflects our emotional state and personality, giving off signals not detectable to the naked eye that the body sends to the brain.
  • Research conducted by TNS NIPO before and during the trial shows that consumers are massively in favour of rounding up, with 83 % of consumers in Woerden in favour.
  • The Working Paper Series seeks to disseminate the results of research conducted within the ECB, or presented in the context of ECB conferences and seminars, to the broad academic and financial market communities.
  • In Zambia, research conducted by local governments, in collaboration with the anti-poverty charity Concern Worldwide, found that new hybrid seeds produced roughly four to five tons of maize per hectare, compared to Africa's average of one ton per hectare.
  • 'In research conducted by the Donor Assistance Group in Ethiopia in response to earlier information received from Human Rights Watch, we did not find credible evidence of widespread or systematic political distortion.'


  • research performed
  • research carried out
  • research executed
  • research undertaken
  • research accomplished

research performed

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe the act of carrying out research or investigations.


  • The research performed by the team led to groundbreaking discoveries.
  • She presented the findings of the research performed during her internship.
  • The institute is renowned for the research performed in the field of biotechnology.
  • Gov · IRB Application Checklist · Informed Consent · Research Performed at or with Other Institutions/Organizations · Research with Vulnerable Populations · Training and Education · For IRB Members · Resources · FAQs · General Information ...
  • Research performed by the nation's colleges and universities is a relatively small but important part of the nation's overall research and development (R&D) effort. While universities perform just 15 percent of total national R&D, they perform 55 ...
  • Oct 12, 2010 ... This paper elaborates primarily on a quantitative approach to assess societal output and use of research performed by health research groups (societal quality of research). For this reason, one of the Dutch university medical ...
  • COUHES is responsible for reviewing research performed “under the auspices of MIT or any part of MIT,” as well as research involving any form of MIT support, such as funding, personnel, facilities, academic credit or access to experimental ...


  • research conducted
  • research carried out
  • research executed
  • research undertaken
  • research accomplished

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