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Probability vs Probabilities

Both 'probability' and 'probabilities' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Probability' is used when referring to the likelihood of an event happening, while 'probabilities' is used when discussing multiple likelihoods of different events.

Last updated: March 21, 2024 • 795 views


Correct. 'Probability' is used when referring to the likelihood of an event happening.

Use 'probability' when discussing the likelihood of a single event occurring.


  • The probability of winning the lottery is very low.
  • What is the probability of rain tomorrow?
  • Bank internal 1 Year Probability of Default.
  • Probability theory plays an important role.
  • c. 'Integrated navigation systems', designed or modified for 'missiles' and capable of providing a navigational accuracy of 200 m Circle of Equal Probability (CEP) or less;
  • Probability of health/safety damage from regular exposure to hazardous product
  • Choice models include two new Profilers: Multiple Choice and Probability.
  • The Probability with which the obsolescence will be taken place.
  • Probability alone is not enough to decide a case.
  • Probability of indigenous dissident group rendering effective assistance, very low.
  • Post Previous: Using Probability Of Hair Transplant
  • Probability assessment indicates that you are being coerced by Cardassian forces.
  • Probability assessment indicates you are attempting to detonate the explosive before it reaches its target.
  • Probability theory dictates that one cannot predict the future with any absolute certainty.
  • Probability of damage during the foreseeable lifetime of the product
  • Probability of default (only for credit institutions applying an internal ratings-based approach)
  • Probability of default of a counterparty over a one-year period, in accordance with Directive 2006/48/EC or successive acts.
  • Cancrini Nicoletta MAT/06 - Probability and statistics
  • Day Weather Temp. Wind Probability ofrainfalls
  • Day Weather Temperature Wind Probability of precipitations
  • Combinaison Probability Average winnings (€)
  • Probability value for which the standard logarithmic distribution is to be calculated


  • likelihood
  • chance
  • odds
  • possibility
  • likelihood


Correct. 'Probabilities' is used when discussing multiple likelihoods of different events.

Use 'probabilities' when referring to the likelihoods of various events occurring.


  • The probabilities of different outcomes were calculated.
  • We need to consider all the probabilities before making a decision.
  • Probabilities are then validated by simulating the opening of a very large number of packs.
  • Probabilities: what is likely to happen
  • Probabilities for a test composed of n=15 questions containing a=5 alternative answers each.
  • The Convergence of Timelines and the Alteration of Probabilities
  • Calculating the Probabilities Hitting the Right Combination
  • Have a look at this Poker Probabilities chart and you'll see the percentage chances of certain events occurring or hands appearing.
  • Probabilities of bankruptcy within the above ranges are 95% for one year and 70% within two years.
  • George Boole's influential work on algebraic logic An Investigation of the Laws of Thought, on Which are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities.
  • All-In Probabilities - instant information about your chances of winning a hand after going all-in in a Texas Hold'em tournament game.
  • The Convergence of Timelines and the Alteration of Probabilities Let us now turn our attention to the primary reason for this communication.
  • Internetpoker - PokerWorld24 Home Pokerrooms Poker Bonus Codes Poker Rules Poker Strategy Poker Probabilities Superstars of Poker History of Poker Internetpoker Poker Literature Movies about Poker Poker Glossary Internetpoker Internetpoker The Internet revolutionized poker.
  • In 1954 he moved to the Sapienza University of Rome, first to another chair in Financial Mathematics and then, from 1961 to 1976, one in the Calculus of Probabilities.
  • The Dewey Decimal Classification assigns mathematics to division 510, with subdivisions for Algebra & number theory, Arithmetic, Topology, Analysis, Geometry, Numerical analysis, and Probabilities & applied mathematics.
  • Probabilities for 1X2: - reveal how many chances there are for the match outcome to be 1, X or 2.
  • Probabilities % 1X2 - The probability of the outcome of a match to be 1, X or 2.
  • Transition probabilities between two coupled potential energy surfaces.
  • This was done rationally, with computer models and probabilities.
  • Pack probabilities in NBA LIVE Mobile are calculated mathematically.
  • The greater probabilities oppose their identity.
  • People have become slaves of probabilities.


  • likelihoods
  • chances
  • odds
  • possibilities
  • likelihoods

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