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I made it to work. vs I made it for work.

Both phrases are correct, but they have different meanings and contexts. 'I made it to work' implies that you successfully arrived at work, while 'I made it for work' suggests that you created something for your job or workplace.

Last updated: March 28, 2024 • 1824 views

I made it to work.

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate that someone successfully arrived at their workplace.

This phrase is used to convey the idea of reaching one's workplace or destination, often after facing challenges or obstacles.


  • Despite the heavy traffic, I made it to work on time.
  • After getting lost, she finally made it to work.
  • I made it to work despite the bad weather conditions.


  • I arrived at work.
  • I got to work.
  • I reached work.

I made it for work.

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate that something was created or done with the purpose of being used at work or for work-related activities.

This phrase is used to express that something was produced or accomplished specifically for work-related purposes.


  • I made this presentation for work.
  • She made it for work, not for personal use.
  • The new software was made for work efficiency.


  • I created it for work.
  • I did it for work.
  • I made this for my job.

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