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as of vs as at

Both 'as of' and 'as at' are correct and commonly used in English. They are often interchangeable, but 'as of' is more commonly used in American English, while 'as at' is more common in British English. The choice between them may depend on personal preference or regional conventions.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 1212 views

as of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

The phrase 'as of' is used to indicate a specific point in time or date when something is true or valid.


  • As of today, the project is still on track.
  • The contract will be terminated as of December 31st.
  • As of now, we have not received any updates.
  • The new policy will be effective as of next month.
  • As of last year, the company has been profitable.
  • Replaced Paul WEISSENBERG as of October 2002 meeting.
  • Version applicable as of April 2014.
  • Draft legislation is expected as of mid-2011.
  • The flights were discontinued as of November 2009.
  • Implemented as of Serial Number 70267.
  • And as of this moment... nothing else in your lives exists.
  • Then I'm terminating your presidency as of this moment.
  • Simply, as of tomorrow you will love someone new.
  • There have been unusual goings on as of late.
  • And as of right now, that's all we are.
  • The chance is here as of England.
  • It's been especially comforting to me as of late.
  • That's because as of a week ago, you didn't.
  • Although she matured, as of late, and started to get motherly on me.
  • Also, he is available as of the 15th.
  • You're also on vacation as of right now.
  • So as of last week, Terrace House began its new season.
  • Shannon, you're fired as of right now.
  • Because, as of today, you're all professional football players.
  • He is, as of tonight... a Triwizard champion.


  • effective from
  • starting from
  • from
  • beginning on

as at

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

The phrase 'as at' is used to refer to a specific point in time or date when something is true or valid, similar to 'as of'. It is more commonly used in British English.


  • The inventory levels were accurate as at the end of the month.
  • As at the time of the accident, the road was wet.
  • As at today's date, the report has not been finalized.
  • The financial statements are correct as at the close of business yesterday.
  • As at the end of the quarter, sales had exceeded expectations.
  • It would mean Member States reinforcing their resources for checking on land as well as at sea.
  • They don't play the same games here as at them regular casinos.
  • Figures as at 30 January 2004.
  • That should be ensured as early as at the draft stage.
  • Closure aid should, however, end as at 31 December 2007.
  • Not as at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
  • As defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are in operation as at September 2004.
  • The region where the obligor is located as at underwriting.
  • No related claims remained outstanding as at 31 December 2009.
  • In particular, the technical assumptions for short-term interest rates are taken from market expectations as at mid-February.
  • No clearance of accounts decision has been taken as at June 2004.
  • Certificate issuing bodies as at point 5.
  • Amir Khan Motaqi was a member of a regional Taliban Council as at June 2007.
  • He was still an active Taliban insurgency leader as at March 2009.
  • He was in charge of the Wardak Province for the Taliban as at September 2009.
  • (previous address as at mid-2002).
  • (previous address as at March 2004).
  • (previous address as at October 2002).
  • Address: Dublin, Ireland (residence as at August 2009).
  • The memory begins to fail as at the 40.


  • as of
  • as on
  • as of the date
  • as of the time

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