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as for vs as of

Both 'as for' and 'as of' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'As for' is used to introduce a topic or to talk about someone or something, while 'as of' is used to indicate a specific point in time or a starting point for information.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 1256 views

as for

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

The phrase 'as for' is used to introduce a topic or to talk about someone or something. It is often used to transition to a new subject or to provide additional information.


  • As for the weather, it looks like it's going to rain later.
  • As for your question, I will get back to you with an answer soon.
  • As for John, he will be joining us for dinner tonight.
  • As for the new project, we need to discuss the timeline.
  • As for the results, they will be announced next week.
  • But as for me, the headaches are getting worse.
  • And as for distant and forbidding, on the contrary.
  • And as for children, I'm only 22.
  • And as for this... no more.
  • And as for me... it's becoming dangerous.
  • And as for you two... my children will never do magic.
  • And as for Zoey, it was funny.
  • And as for the television's so-called plan...
  • Now, as for my conditions...
  • And as for my other children...
  • Same justification as for amendment 1.
  • Same requirements as for investments in aquaculture.
  • Add antibiotic stock solutions as for SMSA broth.
  • The same documentation requirements apply as for first-time applications.
  • Spoken language runs rather normally as for grammatical and syntactical rules.
  • Now, as for the other thing...
  • And as for that robbery three months ago...
  • But as for Christmas trees, I used to love them, until last year...
  • And as for justice, We're not as far apart as you might think.
  • And as for you, Jason Stackhouse.


  • regarding
  • concerning
  • with regard to
  • as far as
  • speaking of

as of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

The phrase 'as of' is used to indicate a specific point in time or a starting point for information. It is often used in legal, financial, or official contexts to specify a date or time reference.


  • As of January 1st, the new policy will be in effect.
  • As of now, we have not received any updates on the situation.
  • As of the last meeting, the decision was still pending.
  • As of the end of the month, all invoices should be submitted.
  • As of the latest report, sales have been increasing.
  • Replaced Paul WEISSENBERG as of October 2002 meeting.
  • Version applicable as of April 2014.
  • Draft legislation is expected as of mid-2011.
  • The flights were discontinued as of November 2009.
  • Implemented as of Serial Number 70267.
  • And as of this moment... nothing else in your lives exists.
  • Then I'm terminating your presidency as of this moment.
  • Simply, as of tomorrow you will love someone new.
  • There have been unusual goings on as of late.
  • And as of right now, that's all we are.
  • The chance is here as of England.
  • It's been especially comforting to me as of late.
  • That's because as of a week ago, you didn't.
  • Although she matured, as of late, and started to get motherly on me.
  • Also, he is available as of the 15th.
  • You're also on vacation as of right now.
  • So as of last week, Terrace House began its new season.
  • Shannon, you're fired as of right now.
  • Because, as of today, you're all professional football players.
  • He is, as of tonight... a Triwizard champion.


  • from
  • starting from
  • effective from
  • beginning on
  • starting on

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