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As his supervisor vs Being his supervisor

The phrases 'as his supervisor' and 'being his supervisor' are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes. 'As his supervisor' is used to indicate the role or position someone holds, while 'being his supervisor' is used to describe the action of supervising. Both phrases are correct in their respective contexts.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 2534 views

As his supervisor

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the role or position someone holds.

This phrase is used to specify the role or position someone has in relation to another person or situation.


  • He acted as his supervisor during the project.
  • She will be working as his supervisor starting next week.
  • As his supervisor, I covered up for him.
  • But there's no amount of time that I could spend as his supervisor to help me understand him any better than I already do, so I'm done.
  • And in the three years as his supervisor, have you ever given Mr. Dellinger a negative work evaluation?
  • Weren't you supposed to be working at the precinct as his direct supervisor?
  • 's plotting of murdering his supervisor and his supervisor's supervisor.
  • He's a supervisor now, as his wife constantly reminds anyone who'll listen.
  • The Assistant Supervisor assists the Supervisor in all the latter's duties and acts as his or her replacement when he or she is absent or prevented from attending to them.
  • His supervisor and co-workers confirm he was work Friday night.
  • He tried to cut off his own ear during a disagreement with his supervisor.
  • His supervisor told me he hadn't been there in weeks.
  • An engineer asking his supervisors for additional parts.
  • I'm not just his supervisor.
  • That l want to see his supervisor.
  • His supervisor says he left work an hour ago.
  • - Mouthing off to his supervisor, showing up without proper safety equipment.
  • So, jim told his supervisor,
  • As I and my officials have stated before, the Commission is not and cannot be the supervisor of the supervisors.
  • No big deal, but you are looking at the face of a guy who just dominated his supervisor and landed a huge account.
  • We interviewed his supervisor, he said he asked about it two months ago.
  • I put a call in to his supervisor at the CIA, an Officer Dale Harris.


  • in the role of his supervisor
  • serving as his supervisor
  • acting as his supervisor
  • fulfilling the role of his supervisor
  • occupying the position of his supervisor

Being his supervisor

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe the action of supervising someone.

This phrase is used to indicate the act of supervising or overseeing someone in a particular role or situation.


  • She enjoys being his supervisor and guiding him through his tasks.
  • I am used to being his supervisor and providing him with feedback.
  • It's kind of nice, your supervisor being here.
  • I don't know about being a supervisor.
  • However it is essential to have a clear and tight definition of such re-securitisations to provide regulatory certainly and prevent supervisors from being overwhelmed by an excessively broad application of this provision.
  • However, it is essential to have a clear and tight definition of such re-securitisations to provide regulatory certainty and prevent supervisors from being overwhelmed by additional workload.
  • However, the involvement of supervisory authorities concerned, not being the group supervisor, should be enhanced.
  • The involvement of supervisory authorities concerned, not being the group supervisor, should be enhanced.
  • However, the involvement of supervisory authorities concerned, not being the group supervisor, should be enhanced.
  • On 1 December 2001 (when the FSMA came into force) the SRO were dissolved and the FSA became, in addition to being the prudential supervisor, the sole Conduct of Business regulatory authority for life insurance companies.
  • For the time being the consolidated supervisor should have the last say on the consolidated level, whereas the last say on the local level should remain with the competent authorities responsible for supervision at this level.
  • 's plotting of murdering his supervisor and his supervisor's supervisor.
  • His supervisor and co-workers confirm he was work Friday night.
  • He tried to cut off his own ear during a disagreement with his supervisor.
  • His supervisor told me he hadn't been there in weeks.
  • An engineer asking his supervisors for additional parts.
  • I'm not just his supervisor.
  • That l want to see his supervisor.
  • His supervisor says he left work an hour ago.
  • - Mouthing off to his supervisor, showing up without proper safety equipment.
  • So, jim told his supervisor,
  • No big deal, but you are looking at the face of a guy who just dominated his supervisor and landed a huge account.


  • supervising him
  • overseeing him
  • guiding him as a supervisor
  • fulfilling the role of his supervisor
  • acting as his supervisor

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