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add anoher vs add other

The correct phrase is 'add other'. 'Add other' is the correct construction to use when referring to adding something different or additional. 'Add anoher' is incorrect and not a commonly used phrase in English.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 891 views

add anoher

'Add anoher' is incorrect and not a commonly used phrase in English.

This phrase is incorrect. The correct form is 'add other' when referring to adding something different or additional.

add other

'Add other' is the correct construction to use when referring to adding something different or additional.

Use 'add other' when you want to indicate adding something different or additional to a group or collection.
  • Leave the disc open to add other files later
  • Member States may reinforce the requirements set out in this Article or add other requirements for tied agents registered within their jurisdiction.
  • The framework decision nonetheless has scope for the Council to add other types of crime at a later stage, which is why I voted against Amendments Nos 11, 12 and 18.
  • It should be possible to add other common elements to simplify the assessment and enhance the comparison and addition of data. This needs to be further studied with the Council and the Member States.
  • Member States may add other parameters to this list if they deem it appropriate.
  • In order to improve the quality and accuracy of the monitoring of CO2 emissions from passenger cars, it is however necessary to specify further some of the required data parameters and add other parameters that have until now been monitored on a voluntary basis.
  • Of course, we can add other speakers to the list, but it will be impossible for them to speak during this item.
  • Member States may only impose these "additional parameters (channelling and/or channel access and occupation rules)", and may not add other parameters or spectrum access and mitigation requirements.
  • However, the list of areas eligible for support in both groups of countries like that for candidate countries is non- exhaustive, allowing the possibility to add other objectives to be pursued without the need to modify the legislation.
  • If it is compulsory to use the European logo (for foodstuffs containing 95% organic ingredients) and the 'EU-organic' indication, then it must remain possible to add other private logos.
  • The merging UCITS or the receiving UCITS may however add other information of relevance in the context of the proposed merger.
  • Articles 93 and 94 of the Financial Regulation should provide for mandatory exclusion in the most serious cases, while allowing the possibility for the contracting authority, on the basis of a risk assessment, to add other cases of exclusion.
  • Following the report of the Commission on the implementation of this Regulation referred to in Article 54(4) and in light of the experience gained with the Community authorisations, the Commission may add other categories of biocidal products in paragraph 1 of this Article.
  • To add other new transactions go to Ledgers; you can add new payees and categories in the middle of a transaction or by going to Payees or Categories before entering the transaction.
  • I would like to stress, however, that other materials, particularly posters, were available in all the official languages of the European Union and that we gave national bodies the opportunity to add other languages according to their own particular needs.
  • & kiten;'s most basic mode is as a dictionary for looking up both English and Japanese words. You can also add other dictionaries to & kiten;'s list.
  • Notes, however, that the European Council has reserved the right to add other subjects during the negotiations; calls, therefore, for a revision of the Stability Pact so that it is geared towards growth and employment;
  • Specify mother tongue (if relevant add other mother tongue(s), see instructions)
  • Acknowledges with regard to the cost-efficiency of controls mechanisms that the issue is not to add other control layers but to work on the effectiveness of the framework of control activities and their complementarity under good governance principles;
  • I would add other sorts of disabilities which, in a very poor environment, are often totally ignored.

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