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striving scholars vs hardworking scholars

Both 'striving scholars' and 'hardworking scholars' are correct phrases, but they convey slightly different meanings. 'Striving scholars' implies scholars who are making a great effort to achieve success or improve, while 'hardworking scholars' suggests scholars who put in a lot of effort and diligence into their work.

Last updated: March 21, 2024 • 1036 views

striving scholars

This phrase is correct and commonly used to refer to scholars who are making a great effort to achieve success or improve.

This phrase is used to describe scholars who are actively working towards their goals, putting in effort to succeed or improve in their academic pursuits.


  • The university is known for its support of striving scholars who are dedicated to their research.
  • She was one of the striving scholars who never gave up on their dreams.
  • The scholarship program aims to help aspiring and striving scholars reach their full potential.
  • The conference brought together a group of striving scholars from different parts of the world.
  • The school provides resources and mentorship for striving scholars to excel in their studies.
  • A message to the striving scholars of Afghanistan regarding the turmoil fomented by the enemies of Allah among the Mujahids ...
  • Mar 22, 2011 ... In his short essay entitled Tuhfat al-Mujtahidin bi Asma' al-Mujaddidin (“The Gem of the Striving Scholars: the Names of the Renewers of the ...
  • May 11, 2014 ... In his short essay entitled Tuhfat al-Mujtahidin bi Asma' al-Mujaddidin (“The Gem of the Striving Scholars: the Names of the Renewers of the ...
  • Feb 12, 2009 ... In his short essay entitled Tuhfat al-Mujtahidin bi Asma' al-Mujaddidin ("The Gem of the Striving Scholars: the Names of the Renewers of the ...


  • ambitious scholars
  • determined scholars
  • aspiring scholars
  • motivated scholars
  • goal-oriented scholars

hardworking scholars

This phrase is correct and commonly used to describe scholars who put in a lot of effort and diligence into their work.

This phrase is used to highlight the diligence and dedication of scholars who work hard to achieve academic success or excellence.


  • The school recognized the hardworking scholars with academic awards.
  • The research project was completed successfully thanks to the hardworking scholars involved.
  • The hardworking scholars spent countless hours in the library preparing for their exams.
  • The university values hardworking scholars who contribute to the academic community.
  • She was praised for being one of the most hardworking scholars in her class.
  • SEO Scholars now has a monthly e-newsletter filled with great stories and photos about our hardworking Scholars. Sign up on our homepage or Facebook fan ...
  • This year, for the second consecutive year, CQA's hardworking scholars exceeded their peers in all tested grades and subjects on the New York State Math and ...
  • Oct 29, 2015 ... ... the main purpose of the Scholars Annual Dinner 2015, the first of its kind to be held in Taylor's University for the ever-hardworking scholars.
  • Aug 5, 2015 ... We hope that you have enjoyed getting to know our intelligent and hardworking scholars. This week we will be introducing Wangsten.


  • diligent scholars
  • industrious scholars
  • dedicated scholars
  • committed scholars
  • persevering scholars

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