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He is a Chinese. vs He is Chinese.

A complete search of the internet has found that "He is Chinese." is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: April 16, 2019 • 7110 views

He is a Chinese.

More popular!

24,200,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Specifically, Liao is a Chinese spy.
  • Ducky thinks our victim is a Chinese national.
  • Most Europeans cannot tell a Japanese from a Chinese.
  • This is a Chinese takeout menu.
  • My apartment is a Chinese restaurant.
  • Yet, everyone knows what is a Chinese restaurant.
  • Let's just watch a film and get a Chinese.
  • It must be cold here for a Chinese.
  • Then I dressed up as a Chinese.
  • You can show me the photos over a Chinese.
  • This is a Chinese cloisonné bell.
  • Okay, fine, we'll go for a Chinese.
  • I promise I won't even sleep with a Chinese.
  • I was just going to stay in and get a Chinese.
  • And the role of "Old Master" you play is a Chinese as well.
  • High-placed naval sources now confirm that the U.S. is readying a military response to what is a Chinese cyber attack.
  • The minute I put on a Chinese frock, I feel Chinese.
  • The minute I put on a Chinese frock, I feel Chinese.
  • Because I'm a Chinese, I came from China, and through the education process I always believed that there is something special about Chinese.
  • The writing on these newspaper bits is Chinese.

He is Chinese.

549,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • In fact he is a kind Chinese.
  • Now he is dead from Chinese poison.
  • With the advice of the Jesuit liturgist Father Cesare Giraudo, texts were chosen that best describe the special missionary vocation of Matteo Ricci or Lì Mǎdòu, as he is called by the Chinese.
  • Otherwise what he writes is not Chinese. This is especially important in calligraphy styles increasingly cursive as the current style and the style of Grass.
  • He is not Chinese! Dr. Bagayako is from Mali, but he is as fluent in Chinese as he is adept at using acupuncture needles.
  • The writing on these newspaper bits is Chinese.
  • They say one out of every three babies born is Chinese.
  • Some estimate that one of each three restaurants in the world is Chinese.
  • You say the name of this place is Chinese.
  • And the soldiers are Chinese, and everybody else is Chinese.
  • It may be too early to say for certain, but I think our killer is Chinese.
  • The current Director-General of WHO is Dr Margaret Chan, who is Chinese.
  • I've got the House of Chow, which is Chinese.
  • Well, most of me is Chinese.
  • I think it's funny that your favourite English food is Chinese.
  • The language spoken in the Middle Kingdom is Chinese. China is one of the areas that people inhabited the longest.
  • Henry's getting strong signals from the Chinese.
  • This could permanently destroy our relationship with the Chinese.
  • I'm expecting a call from the Chinese.
  • Most Europeans cannot tell a Japanese from a Chinese.

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