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jv is attached vs jv attached

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'JV is attached' is used when you want to emphasize the current status of the attachment, while 'JV attached' is used when you want to provide a brief description or label for the attachment.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 811 views

jv is attached

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to emphasize the current status of the attachment.

This phrase is used to indicate that the joint venture (JV) is currently attached or included in a document, email, or project.


  • The JV is attached to the email for your review.
  • Please find the JV is attached to the contract.
  • I can confirm that the JV is attached to the proposal.
  • For inverters above 100 kW the combined market share including the STI JV is less than [20-30] %.
  • As described, the JV is likely to benefit from an exemption.
  • Thirdly, a concealed conditionality clause is attached.
  • The text of the Protocol is attached to this Decision.
  • Our daughter is attached to me.
  • The JV is therefore more restrictive as it also excludes 1B products, swaptions (1C), and products of category 2 (excluding French inflation-linked products or prospectus A) and 3.
  • It's shabby, but my teacher is attached to this place.
  • The Folsom Prison ball and chain is attached to your shadow, not your person.
  • This book's binding is attached to an A90 pressure plate.
  • One minority opinion on behalf of Marco Cappato is attached.
  • The opinion of the Committee on Fisheries is attached.
  • The confiscation order is attached to the certificate.
  • Other documentation on the cause of the incapacity for work is attached to this form.
  • The SDoC is attached to the transport document based on timber administration regulations.
  • In the European Union, considerable importance is attached to the monitoring of all national expenditure.
  • A correlation table of the modules used is attached in Annex III.
  • The opinion of the Committee on Budget is attached.
  • Now, one of these five strings is attached to the trigger.
  • Instead, the paclitaxel is attached to a human protein called albumin in tiny particles known as' nanoparticles'.
  • Never push the injection button on the pen unless a needle is attached.


  • The JV has been attached
  • The attached JV
  • The JV is included
  • The JV is enclosed
  • The JV is appended

jv attached

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to provide a brief description or label for the attachment.

This phrase is used to quickly indicate that the joint venture (JV) is attached without emphasizing the current status of the attachment.


  • Please review the JV attached to the email.
  • The contract includes the JV attached.
  • I have sent you the proposal with the JV attached.
  • - JV: manufacturing and selling of laminate flooring.
  • - for JV: asset management.
  • I've been JV coach forever.
  • The JV's the team in white.
  • We ought just send out the JV and give our boys a rest.
  • for JV: naval surface shipbuilding and related support activities.
  • JV: development, production and distribution of crystalline solar wafers.
  • JV: rebuilding and maintenance of a motorway section.
  • JV: will develop and operate a container terminal at Great Yarmouth in the UK.
  • - for the JV: specialist mortgage loans in Ireland.
  • - For the JV: asset management services.
  • - the JV companies: carbon steel semi-finished and finished flat and long products.
  • - JV: Batteries for hybrid and electrical vehicles.
  • - for JV: publication of magazines in the Eastern Adriatic region.
  • - JV: optical disk drives for computers.
  • Swiss JV: a company that will offer international wealth management services, in particular to Greek wealthy investors.
  • JV: market electronic defence and security systems and products.
  • JV: maritime safety and security.
  • The JV will market loans solely to French local authorities and public health establishments.
  • The JV will limit the range of products offered within the Gissler classification.


  • Attached JV
  • JV included
  • JV enclosed
  • JV appended
  • JV provided

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