
Recent News and Articles

Congratulations, Mr. President!

December 2nd, 2019|Categories: CJM News, Insights, Parker G. Trasborg, CFP®, Timothy W. Jones, CFP®|

Congratulations to our very own Parker Trasborg, who was elected to serve as the President of the National Capital Chapter of the Financial Planning Association (FPA) for 2020.  The Washington Chapter is one of the largest chapters in the U.S. with more than 800 members.  Parker has served on the Board of Directors since 2013, holding various committee positions over the years, including membership director, when the membership reached the highest level that it had been since the financial crisis of 2008-2009.  It is an honor to be recognized by your peers in the FPA, and Parker [...]

Playing the Long Game through Diversification

November 21st, 2019|Categories: Insights, Investment Management, Kevin E. Donovan, CFA|

Investment advisers recommend clients hold a diversified portfolio consisting of a mixture of U.S. and international stocks and bonds as a way to spread out risk and benefit from areas that may be rising while others are declining.  Diversification usually results in lower losses during down markets and smaller gains during rising markets, offering a smoother ride than investing entirely in the S&P 500 stock index ETF. The problem with diversification is that it doesn’t always feel like the best strategy.  During the current bull market, the S&P 500 has been one of the best performing asset [...]

Economic Thoughts at Year End 2019

October 28th, 2019|Categories: Brian T. Jones, CFP®, CJM News, Insights|

Fall; my favorite season. Spring and summer are but fond memories as the cool winds blow and whistle through the changing of the seasons. Most mornings you can find me on my back porch with a hot cup of coffee, peacefully reading the day’s manic headlines and listening to the songbirds at the feeders, before their long migration south for the winter. These are uncertain times (does anyone remember 1998, the 2000-2002 dot com bomb, or GM’s bankruptcy in 2009?) and markets are in uncharted territory given the historic worldwide levels of government debt. But, haven’t they [...]

News and Articles By Topic

CFP - Certified Financial Planner
CFA – Chartered Financial Analyst
Financial Planning Association
The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
Northern Virginia Magazine Top Financial Advisers
Washingtonian Top Financial Advisers
Washington Business Journal - Largest Wealth Management Firms
Washingtonian Top Wealth Advisor 2023 Hall of Fame

Rankings and/or recognition are awarded by unaffiliated rating services and/or publications. The Company [CJM] has not paid a fee to be eligible for the award designations appearing on this website or to post award designations on this website.

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