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CJM Video Market Update: October 2019

October 17th, 2019|Categories: Jessica Ness, CFP®, Kevin E. Donovan, CFA, Videos|

We invite you to watch the CJM Market Update as we discuss what happened in the third quarter of 2019 and our thoughts going forward. Jessica Ness, CFP®, a Senior Financial Adviser, talks with Kevin Donovan, CFA, our Portfolio Research Director about the S&P (briefly) hitting new highs while small and medium-sized companies were negative. They also discuss the rise in the bond markets, how technology stocks have done, and what the economic indicators may be telling us. As always, please be aware that this information is in no way specific advice or a recommendation.

CJM Video Market Update

August 7th, 2019|Categories: Kevin E. Donovan, CFA, Tracey A. Baker, CFP®, Videos|

We invite you to watch the inaugural CJM Video Market Update. The speakers on the video are Tracey Baker, CFP®, our company President and Kevin Donovan, CFA, our Portfolio Research Director. Both Tracey and Kevin discuss the markets’ performance so far this year and our outlook for the months ahead. In an effort to increase client viewership, we have adapted our traditional Quarterly Conference Calls to a video format that keeps the content shorter in duration (this video only runs for 3.5 minutes). We hope you prefer this new format and appreciate any feedback. As always, please be aware that this information is in no way specific advice or a recommendation.

News and Articles By Topic

CFP - Certified Financial Planner
CFA – Chartered Financial Analyst
Financial Planning Association
The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
Northern Virginia Magazine Top Financial Advisers
Washingtonian Top Financial Advisers
Washington Business Journal - Largest Wealth Management Firms
Washingtonian Top Wealth Advisor 2023 Hall of Fame

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