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comparable to vs comparable with

Both 'comparable to' and 'comparable with' are correct and commonly used in English. The choice between them depends on the context and personal preference.

Last updated: March 22, 2024 • 2523 views

comparable to

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use 'comparable to' when you are highlighting similarities between two things or when making a comparison.


  • This car is comparable to the one we saw yesterday.
  • Her performance is comparable to that of a professional athlete.
  • The quality is comparable to Hamptons Heritage.
  • The phototoxic, photomutagenic and photocarcinogenic potential of ciprofloxacin is comparable to that of other gyrase inhibitors.
  • One private operator provides daily services all year round at a frequency comparable to Toremar's.
  • The reliability of the proposed test method should be comparable to that of the validated reference methods.
  • - the establishment and enforcement of operating standards comparable to those prevailing in the Community.
  • Fentanyl induced mutagenic effects in mammalian cells in vitro, comparable to other opioid analgesics.
  • This effect was comparable to that of other gyrase inhibitors.
  • The phototoxic, photomutagenic and photocarcinogenic potential of ciprofloxacin is comparable to that of other gyrase inhibitors.
  • Exposure in subjects of African and Hispanic descent is comparable to that of Caucasians.
  • The overall safety profile is comparable to that in adult patients.
  • Article 13(4) foresees establishing a system comparable to the one already existing for the victims of trafficking under Directive 2004/81.
  • The situation in Veneto is comparable to the one other European regions are facing.
  • The financial reporting and related risks are not comparable to those of other public interest entities.
  • ) is comparable to that provided in the sector-specific implementing Regulations for the Structural Funds.
  • This was a case comparable to Kralowetz, but on a smaller scale.
  • Our shipyards must function under conditions comparable to those throughout the world, where our competitors are working.
  • Its effectiveness shall be comparable to that of the reference method specified in Annex II.
  • Therefore, Lidl's bid could not be considered comparable to Konsum's.
  • These are considered significant if the effects seen are comparable to those described above.
  • The epidemiological characteristics of bluetongue are comparable to those of African horse sickness.


  • similar to
  • like
  • resembling
  • akin to
  • in the same league as

comparable with

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use 'comparable with' when emphasizing the ability to compare or when discussing compatibility.


  • This software is comparable with the latest version.
  • His skills are comparable with those of a seasoned professional.
  • But it's not comparable with a real letter.
  • Not comparable with what is here, though.
  • Lastly, production data from former planned economies were not comparable with market economy data.
  • However, as the HICPs have been harmonised in stages, HICP data before 2001 are not fully comparable with the most recent data.
  • In a legal sense, Bo and Rick are comparable with, say, motor vehicles.
  • The standard that was acceptable at that time is not comparable with what is feasible and politically expected today.
  • He suffers from megalomania comparable with that of Hitler and Stalin.
  • The product definition proposed is comparable with that of a registered designation of origin.
  • An overall productivity comparable with that attained by the EU steel industry shall be achieved gradually by 31 December 2008.
  • We do not have a market organisation for pigmeat comparable with those for other agricultural products.
  • The returns from Luxembourg, for instance, show a situation that is comparable with that of Belgium.
  • Its customs duty rate (20 %) is comparable with the European Union's (15,4 %).
  • We are using a resource that is virtually comparable with a biofuel, and thereby helping to combat global warming.
  • For cattle born after that date, the opinion concludes that the BSE risk to consumers is in a range comparable with that in other Member States.
  • To that end, provision should be made for the areas counting as set-aside to be comparable with those counting for the purposes of calculating the regional base area.
  • Community legislation concerning the import of poultry products does not impose a feed ban on third countries comparable with the feed ban that is in place in the EU.
  • Filters and optical glasses of synthetic glass shall have a durable resistance to water comparable with those made of silicate glass.
  • Such communications should be comparable with the information communicated under the previous regime, whilst at the same time being simplified as far as possible.
  • On paper, the level of reactor safety in Japan was very high, and according to experts the Japanese regulations were comparable with European rules.
  • Agriculture is not directly comparable with other economic sectors.


  • on par with
  • equivalent to
  • matching
  • corresponding to
  • in line with

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