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in hindsight it is easy vs in hindsight it may seem obvious

Both phrases are correct, but they convey slightly different meanings. 'In hindsight it is easy' implies that something is easy to understand or see after it has happened, while 'in hindsight it may seem obvious' suggests that something may appear obvious when looking back. The choice between the two depends on the specific context and the nuance you want to convey.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 • 1319 views

in hindsight it is easy

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to express that something is easy to understand or see after it has happened, when looking back on a situation.


  • In hindsight it is easy to see where we went wrong.
  • In hindsight it is easy to recognize the warning signs.
  • We had to be agile as all get-out to stay on top of that surfboard as we rode the waves, and in hindsight, it is easy to see what the calendar must have looked like  ...
  • No parents encouraged their children to commit murder or helped them plan their attacks. In hindsight, it is easy to criticize them for what they did or did not do.
  • Nov 5, 2013 ... This has me thinking back to those UQ jacaranda and Oxford carnation days, and reflecting on 'happiness in hindsight'. It is easy to feel ...
  • Oct 28, 2014 ... In hindsight, it is easy to see that having a test subject list as many alternative uses of some common object was never going to yield much ...


  • In retrospect, it is easy
  • Looking back, it is easy
  • With hindsight, it is easy
  • In hindsight, it is clear
  • In hindsight, it is obvious

in hindsight it may seem obvious

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to suggest that something may appear obvious when looking back on a situation, even though it may not have been at the time.


  • In hindsight it may seem obvious that we should have taken a different approach.
  • In hindsight it may seem obvious that we missed an important detail.
  • For example, Eric Harris's parents knew he had built a pipe bomb. In hindsight, it may seem obvious that they needed to be more vigilant, but they were living in ...
  • Nov 16, 2014 ... In hindsight it may seem obvious, but it poignantly highlighted the role a manager must play to walk the line extracting differing points of view ...
  • How can you engage your employees better? According to new research, supporting diversity and inclusiveness in your company can help all your staff be more ...
  • Mar 15, 2015 ... In hindsight, it may seem obvious or easy to “lead up” when all the facts are known. But in the moment, it takes clarity and courage to bring a ...


  • In retrospect, it may seem obvious
  • Looking back, it may seem obvious
  • With hindsight, it may seem obvious
  • In hindsight, it may be clear
  • In hindsight, it may be apparent

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