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Else vs Eles

The correct term is 'else.' 'Eles' is not a valid English word. 'Else' is commonly used in English to refer to something different or additional.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 1545 views


Correct. 'Else' is a valid English term.

The term 'else' is used to refer to something different or additional. It is often used in conditional statements or to indicate an alternative option.


  • What else do you need?
  • If not this, then what else?
  • Where else could it be?
  • Who else is coming to the party?
  • What else can we do?
  • Else, sir, no more tribute.
  • Else, my business will be ruined
  • Else the IRS would be after you.
  • Else them below will be vexed.
  • Or. Else. No more taking care of crybaby
  • Else, the kay, will land on your head.
  • Else the east would be lost to the gyppos.
  • Sirs... Else your walls will suffer more ordnance.
  • Else, that madcap will make away with your goodies.
  • Else be considered an enemy of the Senate and people of Rome.
  • Else you would've your nuptial night with this.
  • Else, these girls and your husband will die.
  • Else, any cat could claim to be a tiger.
  • Else I'd have been out of a job years ago.
  • Else, maybe I get bored, send you to take 'em.
  • Else we'll have nobody left to till our land or pay the tax.
  • Else why did you save me from those men of H division?
  • Else, why would your father embark on such adventure?
  • Else he'll kill us all in our beds!
  • Else, we'll have to spend the entire night out here


Incorrect. 'Eles' is not a valid English word.

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