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has been delayed vs has delay

The correct phrase is "has been delayed." The phrase "has delay" is not a correct construction in English. "Has been delayed" is the passive form of the verb "delay," indicating that something has been postponed or held up.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 3690 views

has been delayed

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate that something has been postponed or held up. It is the passive form of the verb "delay."


  • The flight has been delayed due to bad weather.
  • The project has been delayed because of unexpected issues.
  • The delivery has been delayed by a few days.
  • The event has been delayed until further notice.
  • The train has been delayed by an hour.
  • The scheduled transport has been delayed.
  • The departure has been delayed because of an incident.
  • My people have just informed me that the assault has been delayed.
  • I informed her Prince Henry's return to France has been delayed.
  • Colonel Reynolds' team has been delayed off world.
  • Mr. Allenbury has been delayed by a ship phone call from America...
  • The second planting season has been delayed because of the bad weather.
  • Medellin has been delayed month after month.
  • However Ottone has been delayed in his journey to Rome by an attack on his convoy of ships by pirates, necessitating a battle at sea.
  • The executioner has been delayed on the road from Dover and your execution is postponed until twelve o'clock.
  • Implementation of the measures to reduce the electricity tariff debt has been delayed, though the Government has recently presented a new levy to partially deal with this matter.
  • The publication of a new executive order establishing the contributions of the regulators for 2014 has been delayed.
  • The Commission does not dispose of any data according to which one can conclude that the Grensmaas project has been delayed because of the ongoing infringement procedure.
  • Since the implementation of that programme has been delayed, the period during which contaminated soil may be introduced under the authorisation granted by Decision 2005/51/EC should be extended.
  • In fact, the whole package has been reduced to a conciliation procedure and its introduction has been delayed.
  • The implementation of national projects has been delayed in all Member States that have asked to join the Schengen area, except one.
  • Your departing flight has been delayed indefinitely.
  • Suggest Your Majesty has been delayed.
  • Dr. Hosmer has been delayed in emergency surgery.
  • Your flight to Jordan has been delayed.

has delay

This phrase is not a correct construction in English.

  • He said he just has to delay until tomorrow morning.
  • - If Hannah's plane has no delay.
  • Furthermore, the competent authorities of Mozambique informed that the implementation of the corrective action plans has experienced delays.
  • I am not as concerned as Mrs Pack and other speakers have been that there has been delay in the agreement.
  • But I do think it might mean that he has to delay his deployment.
  • ...but this time delay has been edited from this recording.
  • Delay has cost you the surprise element.
  • I hope that the Commission has used the delay to consider how the EU can effectively help governments and cities.
  • That has resulted in pointless evaluations and has exacerbated the delay.
  • This delay has detrimental effects on regional development, increases traffic congestion and adds to environmental problems.
  • Therefore, any further delay has to be avoided.
  • You may say there has been necessary delays.
  • There has been a delay in reforming the shipbuilding industry.
  • Nothing has happened to delay the appending of the President's signature.
  • We appreciate that there has been a delay.
  • It has to be noted that the delay has been longer than anticipated.
  • For bureaucratic reasons, there has been delay in implementing this regulation and the Spanish members of the Group of the European People's Party have therefore tabled an amendment to ensure that its provisions are implemented in the 1996-1997 financial year.
  • This has caused an additional delay in the implementation of the programme.
  • All right, this trigger has a 60-second delay.
  • Betaferon has been shown to delay progression to definite multiple sclerosis.

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