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all documentation vs all the documentation

Both "all documentation" and "all the documentation" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "All documentation" is a more general statement referring to any documentation available, while "all the documentation" is more specific, referring to a particular set of documentation that has been previously mentioned or is known to both the speaker and the listener.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 2230 views

all documentation

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is a general statement referring to any documentation available without specifying a particular set of documentation.


  • Please review all documentation before making a decision.
  • The website provides access to all documentation related to the project.
  • We will, in time, read all documentation relating to the enquiry.
  • Each ship should carry on board all documentation relevant to that ship.
  • They shall also receive all documentation submitted to or issued by the Stabilisation and Association Council.
  • Member States may provide, at their own cost, for the translation of all documentation into their national official language(s).
  • preparation and disposition of all documentation.
  • Moskowitz and Gibson subpoenaed all documentation related to that meeting and managed to unearth the mother of all smoking guns.
  • receive all documentation (approval and surveillance), issued by the other Notified Body(s)
  • all documentation and undertakings referred to in Annex IV, section 3.1, and
  • the costs of the changes to all documentation produced by the European Union Institutions, 3.
  • The competent authorities of the Community may also request copies of all documentation necessary to determine the facts fully, including, in particular, the origin of the goods.
  • To enable audits and/or inspections to be carried out efficiently, the Member State in whose territory an audit and/or inspection is undertaken shall give all necessary assistance and provide all documentation requested by the Commission experts for the purpose of the audit.
  • 2. The contractor shall make available to the national authorities responsible for verifying execution of the measure all documentation permitting the following particulars of products placed in private storage to be verified:
  • obtain copies of all documentation concerning control procedures or forming integral parts of the study, including:
  • all documentation referred to in Annex III, section 3, indents 3 to 13,
  • give all necessary assistance and provide all documentation and other technical support that Commission experts request to enable them to carry out controls efficiently and effectively;
  • Meetings will be held in both English and French, and all documentation will be translated in French for a better appropriation by the beneficiary countries.
  • The internal audit function shall be accountable solely to the Management Board and shall have access to all documentation necessary to the performance of its duties;
  • Members of the T2S Board who do not belong to the Eurosystem receive, under confidentiality conditions, all documentation on T2S submitted to the Governing Council after the Governing Council meeting, as well as the decision points of the Governing Council minutes on T2S.
  • examining and, except as regards documents which the Commission is to adopt under Article 13 of Regulation (EU) No 1285/2013 and Article 8 of Decision No 1104/2011/EU, approving all documentation relating to security accreditation;
  • The operator shall, on request, make available to the paying agency responsible for checking all documentation, for each contract, allowing in particular the following information on the products placed in storage to be verified:


  • every documentation
  • any documentation
  • each documentation
  • complete documentation
  • total documentation

all the documentation

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is more specific and refers to a particular set of documentation that has been previously mentioned or is known to both the speaker and the listener.


  • Please gather all the documentation required for the audit.
  • I have reviewed all the documentation you provided.
  • Dec 30, 2019 ... Dear all, For security reasons I am looking for a way to extract all the documentation, we have in one space with certain meta-data.
  • Against all the documentation i am able to show more than 2000 items inside Gallery. ‎08-27-2021 02:26 PM. I have a gallery with this Items formula:-.
  • Apr 25, 2023 ... This page contains all the documentation available for the most current OEWS estimates. Documentation for previous OEWS estimates dating ...
  • Nov 16, 2022 ... Every installation of Stata includes all the documentation in PDF format. Stata's documentation consists of over 18,000 pages detailing each ...
  • Where can I find all the documentation for mac's builtin shell commands? Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 3 months ago. Modified 7 months ago. Viewed 3k times.
  • Oct 3, 2016 ... Does anyone have any idea where all the documentation been moved on for predictive intelligence? Eager to find out more and cant seem to ...
  • Discover all the documentation you need to install, get started with, and effectively use your Dassault Systèmes products.
  • Once all the documentation above is evaluated, LPDS will notify the applicant in writing of its final determination. As mentioned above, this letter needs ...


  • all of the documentation
  • the entire documentation
  • the complete documentation
  • every piece of documentation
  • the total documentation

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