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all the attachments vs all attachments

Both 'all the attachments' and 'all attachments' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'All the attachments' is used when you want to refer to specific attachments that have been previously mentioned or are known to the listener. 'All attachments' is used when you are referring to attachments in a general sense without specifying any particular ones.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 2433 views

all the attachments

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to specific attachments that have been previously mentioned or are known to the listener.

Use 'all the attachments' when you want to refer to specific attachments that have been previously mentioned or are known to the listener. It indicates a specific set of attachments.


  • Please review all the attachments I sent you.
  • All the attachments are included in the email.
  • I need all the attachments for the project.
  • Saves the currently displayed message to a text file, including all the headers and attachments.
  • All the pages of the attachment should bear the number of the phytosanitary certificate and should be dated, signed and stamped in the same manner as required for the phytosanitary certificate.
  • Only users in the requested and applicant competent authorities have full access to the complete information exchanged for a given case which includes all attachments in the CPCS case file.
  • It's 125 feet long, 110,000 cubic feet of hot air holding it up and it's a very very ingenious solution, because all the caravan attachments are still here.
  • What is the Commission estimate of the number of words used in the existing and combined EU Treaties, including all the relevant appendices and attachments, compared with the number of words in the EU Constitution, including all the relevant appendices and attachments?
  • Displays the properties of the attachment that is selected in the attachment window.
  • Removes the attachment that is selected in the attachment part of the composer.
  • Saves the attachment that is selected in the attachment window to a file.
  • The attachments shall be tested for strength as prescribed in paragraphs 7.5.1 and 7.5.2.
  • Provide a location for the attachment file
  • The attachment has no viewable calendar items
  • I thought the attachment was broken.
  • I'm running the attachment through code-breaking software.
  • Select the folder where the attachments will be stored.
  • Article 4 allows the attachment of annexes in which the statistics to be compiled are grouped as modules.
  • The attachment could not be saved.
  • And next, we'll show her the attachment.
  • I can't open the attachment.
  • Two millimeters superior to the attachment of the sternohyoid.
  • He told me to open the attachment immediately.


  • every attachment
  • each attachment
  • the attachments
  • those attachments
  • these attachments

all attachments

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to attachments in a general sense without specifying any particular ones.

Use 'all attachments' when you are referring to attachments in a general sense without specifying any particular ones. It indicates a collective or total amount of attachments.


  • Please make sure you have all attachments before submitting the application.
  • All attachments must be in PDF format.
  • I need all attachments to complete the report.
  • all attachments which have to be listed in accordance with Article 4(1) of this Regulation have been received; and
  • This format is the successor of the inline OpenPGP format. If you use this format then the message text and all attachments will be signed and/ or encrypted (at least by default). This is the recommended format if you use OpenPGP.
  • Store all attachments in a folder
  • This format is an alternative format to PGP/ MIME. If you use this format then the message text and all attachments will be signed and/ or encrypted (at least by default). This format is mostly used by corporations.
  • Maximum total size for all attachments: 5 MB
  • I'll take one, complete with all attachments and accessories.
  • Only users in the requested and applicant competent authorities have full access to the complete information exchanged for a given case which includes all attachments in the CPCS case file.
  • The engine and all attachments shall be running at their respective rated speeds in the idling mode
  • All attachments used in the series production shall be fixed to the tractor in the normal position.
  • The length of a beam trawl shall be measured between its extremities, including all attachments thereto.
  • Show all attachments inline (if possible)
  • Show all attachments as icons. Click to see them.


  • every attachment
  • each attachment
  • the attachments
  • those attachments
  • these attachments

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