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all the changed vs all changes

The correct phrase is 'all changes'. 'All the changed' is not a common or correct construction in English. 'All changes' is the appropriate way to refer to a complete set of modifications or alterations.

Last updated: March 20, 2024 • 1769 views

all the changed

'All the changed' is not a common or correct construction in English.

This phrase is not used in English. Instead, 'all changes' should be used to refer to a complete set of modifications or alterations.
  • This shows a list of all the changed files and directories in revision 39 of a test repository. Note that the first changed item is a directory, as evidenced by the ...
  • The following example creates a new data table called changedRecordsTable and populates it with all the changed records from another data table called ...
  • This way Visual Studio will “undo checkout” all the files that are not changed, and all the changed files will remain checked out. I always use ...
  • Sep 24, 2015 ... Work through all the changed items until they are all gone. Click Close. The Changes column on the reconcile in question should be empty.


  • all changes
  • every change
  • each change
  • every modification
  • all modifications

all changes

'All changes' is the correct phrase to refer to a complete set of modifications or alterations.

This phrase is commonly used to indicate a comprehensive collection of alterations or adjustments.
  • All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter ...
  • 1.8 Committing All Changes. Okay, you've added all the text files to the staging area. Feel free to run git status to see what you're about to commit. If it looks good  ...
  • Accept All Changes command on the Accept menu. Or click Accept All Changes and Stop Tracking to accept all the changes and turn off Track Changes.
  • In addition to unstaging changes, the --hard flag tells Git to overwrite all changes in the working directory, too. Put another way: this obliterates all uncommitted ...


  • every change
  • each change
  • every modification
  • all modifications

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