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this list of articles are listed vs the list of articles is listed

Both phrases are not directly comparable as they are used in different contexts. The first phrase 'this list of articles are listed' is incorrect because 'list' is a singular noun and should be followed by a singular verb 'is'. The second phrase 'the list of articles is listed' is correct and commonly used in English.

Last updated: April 01, 2024 • 911 views

this list of articles are listed

This phrase is incorrect. 'List' is a singular noun and should be followed by a singular verb 'is'.

The correct form should be 'this list of articles is listed'.
  • We are still collecting datas from the group members, so far you can find this list of the most recurrent symptoms in alphabetic order. NB: Among these symptoms are listed also other recurrent issues which may not be strictly related with malformation at birth.
  • This list shall not include products that are listed in Annex V.
  • This list of examples is not exhaustive.
  • This list of references just scratches the surface.
  • The available articles are listed under the respective regions and/or localities they refer to.
  • This list contains all the bibliographical references used for the list of Nuraghi and the map of Nuraghi. Listed are articles and books.
  • A list of such Member States and zones are listed in Commission Decisions 2002/308/EC and 2003/634/EC.
  • On a website of the US National Institutes of Health many ongoing clinical studies are listed. Please note that this list is not complete.
  • The products subject to the provisions of Articles 39 to 44 are listed in Annex I.
  • Substances that fulfil those criteria are listed in the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 579/2014 (list of acceptable previous cargoes).
  • The conditions and limits on discounts or benefits offered are listed on the "List of offers".Offers are not cummulable.
  • The LiveDVD features a superb list of packages, some of which are listed below.
  • Here follows a list of published books completely devoted to Pentax. They are listed following alphabetical order of their respective authors.
  • The list of projects related toNEN3 and NEN4 project-based fellowships are listed in the tables at page foot.
  • This list has regularly been modified and certain indirect public undertakings have been added. Otherwise these indirect public undertakings would not have been subject to corporate income tax, as they are not in the list of Article 2(3) of the Wet Vpb 1969.
  • The caterer sent me this list of 1 2 appetizers.
  • Your Honor, look at this list of complaints.
  • This list of tasks is non-exhaustive.
  • So that's why I've prepared this list of topics for you.
  • I'm talking to everyone on this list of ex-Carson inmates.

the list of articles is listed

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate that a specific list of articles has been included or displayed.
  • The list of default keyboard shortcuts is listed in the top half of the window.
  • The list of prohibited articles is not exhaustive and may be supplemented at any time.
  • The fishing authorisations referred to in Article 6 of the Agreement shall be issued on the condition that the vessel is listed in the register of EU fishing vessels and is named on the list of fishing vessels authorised by the IOTC.
  • This possibility should be gradually phased out as the list of control bodies referred to in that Article is being established.
  • The first subparagraph of Article 6(1) of Directive 89/105 does not impose the automatic entry of a medicinal product on the list of proprietary medicinal products covered by the sickness insurance system where the time-limit laid down in that article is exceeded.
  • Envelope isn't on the list of articles he left behind.
  • Annex I to this Directive gives the list of dangerous substances classified in accordance with the provisions of Article 3.
  • The list of 15 arbitrators is hereby established in accordance with point (c) of Article 3bis of the Protocol.
  • Accordingly, such a category of revision should be deleted from the list of Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1974/2006.
  • While having a look at the list of writers on Rock's Backpages, looking for articles listed under Barney Hoskyns, I looked up and clicked on Nick Hornby.
  • The list of products covered by this Article is set out in the Annex to this Decision.
  • The Management Board shall adopt, on a proposal of the Executive Director, the list of priorities on a yearly basis in accordance with the provisions of Article 24.
  • The list of claims registered within the meaning of paragraph 1 shall be established by the Commission in line with the provisions of Article 20.
  • The Commission announced on 27 September 2010 the restructuring of the approach on the establishment of the list of Article 13 health claims.
  • 1. The list of compensating products and processing operations to which the first indent of Article 122 (a) of the Code applies is in Annex 79.
  • The list of approved irradiation facilities within the meaning of Article 9(2) of Directive 1999/2/EC is as set out in the Annex to this Decision.
  • The list of contents and summaries of articles published in No. 1 Read
  • The list of experts on trade and sustainable development for the purposes of Article 243 of the Agreement is established as set out in the Annex.
  • The list of arbitrators for the purposes of Article 268(1) of the Agreement is established as set out in the Annex.
  • The cases listed in Annex III are removed from the list of notifications provided for in Articles 3 and 5 of Regulation (EEC) No 595/91.

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