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Does your state have an estate income tax (or transfer tax)?

May 24th, 2016|Categories: Brian T. Jones, CFP®, Financial Planning, Insights, Transition Planning|

As a financial planner I am fortunate to watch my clients live, work, retire (and sometimes) move all over this great country of ours.  All this moving around has created a very spread out client base with very different state estate tax rules and regulations.  Since a well thought out, written and funded estate plan is central to any client’s long-term financial well being, it is important that clients who recently relocated update their estate planning documents.Since the Federal estate tax exemption is now $5.45 million dollars per person, this means a couple can shelter up to $10.9 [...]

Kevin’s Corner: A Little Inflation Can Be a Good Thing

May 24th, 2016|Categories: Insights, Investment Management, Kevin E. Donovan, CFA|

Those who remember the late 1970s and early 1980s may find this hard to believe, but inflation is a good thing.  Not the double-digit kind the U.S. suffered through 35 years ago, but a moderate, low to mid-single digit inflation rate is a sign of a healthy, growing economy.  We may be seeing some of that soon. To understand why moderate inflation is good, let’s look at the opposite, which is deflation.  Imagine a world in which prices steadily go down over time.  Consumers would put off buying goods for as long as possible because next year, [...]

Kevin’s Corner: Actively Addressing Today’s Market

February 24th, 2016|Categories: Insights, Investment Management, Kevin E. Donovan, CFA|

As stocks surged from 2012 through 2014, there were many stories in the press about how passive investment strategies represented by exchange-traded funds (ETFs) were superior to actively managed strategies such as mutual funds in terms of both performance and cost.  The theory is that ETFs that merely track the performance of an index such as the S&P 500 produce higher returns and cost much less than mutual funds controlled by a portfolio manager making investment decisions in common stocks.  The truth, as is often the case, is more complex, so let’s try to simplify it. It [...]

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CFP - Certified Financial Planner
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