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you haven't received anything until now vs you haven't received anything yet

These two phrases are both correct, but they would be used in somewhat different contexts. 'You haven't received anything until now' implies a specific point in time, emphasizing that nothing has been received up to that moment. On the other hand, 'You haven't received anything yet' suggests that nothing has been received up to the present moment, leaving room for the possibility of receiving something in the future.
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Explained by Gregg
Editor at TextRanch

Last updated: June 06, 2024 • 13591 views

you haven't received anything until now

This phrase is correct and commonly used to emphasize the absence of receiving anything up to a specific point in time.

This phrase is used to stress that no reception has occurred up to a particular moment in time.
  • you haven't received anything until now. 10 results on the web. you haven't received anything yet. 1252 results on the web. More popular!
  • you haven't received anything until now or you haven't received anything yet? I haven't received yet or I hadn't receive yet? Important Links. Check Grammar ...


  • You have not received anything up to this point.

you haven't received anything yet

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate that no reception has taken place up to the present moment, with the possibility of receiving something in the future.

This phrase is used to convey that no reception has happened up to the current time, leaving open the potential for future reception.
  • Mar 16, 2024 ... ... you haven't received anything yet, especially considering they started sending them out March 1st..it's gonna take time…relax. Upvote 5
  • Jul 27, 2023 ... I'm not quite fully sure but if you haven't received anything yet, then try contacting support for information. 1 Like. DeveloperAusttm ...
  • May 30, 2024 ... ... triggering blocks again. If you haven't received anything yet, hang out for a little longer, it is on the way! Upvote 64. Downvote Reply reply
  • Dec 14, 2005 ... So if you haven't received anything yet, it does not mean automatic deferral or rejection. Applicants from the same school often receive ...
  • Dec 29, 2011 ... ... you haven't received anything yet then you probably aren't a SF.</p>. Prouddad1963 January 5, 2012, 11:12am 3. <p>Don't assume this - my ...
  • Oct 25, 2024 ... This sounds like a very likely scam. If the money they "sent" you is still pending you haven't received anything yet, so DO NOT try to send ...
  • Oct 10, 2021 ... I'm guessing you haven't received anything yet. Capital One support sucks, to put it mildly. I'll just throw 11 bucks in an envelope and ...
  • Mar 31, 2014 ... ... you haven't received anything yet, and wanted to make sure that everyone had your correct information, etc. posted by xingcat at 5:53 AM on ...
  • Dec 29, 2022 ... ... you haven't received anything yet given the time of year. Wait until the first week of January and then follow up if needed. Good luck. 5.
  • If you haven't received anything yet and believe you should have, don't fret. You will be able to recoup your money when you file your income tax return in ...


  • You have not received anything up to now.

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