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doesn't give me a good feeling vs doesn't feel good

Both phrases are correct and commonly used in English. They convey a similar meaning but with a slight difference in emphasis. 'Doesn't give me a good feeling' focuses on the action of giving a feeling, while 'doesn't feel good' focuses on the feeling itself.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 3738 views

doesn't give me a good feeling

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to express that something does not evoke a positive emotion or sensation in the speaker.


  • The movie doesn't give me a good feeling about the future.
  • His behavior doesn't give me a good feeling about his intentions.
  • The sun gives you a good feeling...
  • The owner couldn't give me a good description.
  • Plus, she doesn't give me the smuggler's vibe.
  • My father doesn't give me orders.
  • Doesn't give me the creeps.
  • He doesn't give me any problems going to bed.
  • He usually doesn't give me credit.
  • Being a Slayer doesn't give me a license to kill.
  • That doesn't give me the right to disseminate it freely.
  • Besides, he doesn't give me that look.
  • Give me a good sirloin anytime.
  • Because Bobo doesn't give me free fries to shut up when I make a scene.
  • Another thing she doesn't give me enough credit for is pitching in around the house.
  • It doesn't give me any pleasure to say it, Daniel.
  • When somebody doesn't give me what I want, I remove their body parts.
  • Still doesn't give me the right to... to do what I did... yesterday.
  • If he doesn't give me an answer - I'll do what I have to do.
  • Your parents only come into town once a month, and that doesn't give me nearly enough time with them.
  • Judge doesn't give me the death sentence, I'll just do it myself.
  • That still doesn't give me the bullets inside the body.


  • doesn't make me feel good
  • doesn't sit well with me
  • doesn't inspire confidence
  • doesn't bode well
  • doesn't feel right

doesn't feel good

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate that something is not pleasant or satisfactory to the speaker.


  • The food doesn't feel good in my stomach.
  • The decision doesn't feel good to me.
  • The tree doesn't feel good standing there being dead.
  • My wife doesn't feel good.
  • It doesn't feel good, does it?
  • Doesn't feel good, does it, being the one on the outside, struggling to measure up to your big brother now?
  • And it doesn't feel good.
  • He's touching me where it doesn't feel good.
  • For right now, even that doesn't feel good.
  • It doesn't feel good to have a debt.
  • In other words, if it doesn't feel good, you're not doing it right.
  • It doesn't feel good, but it feels right.
  • Don. - When Jim doesn't feel good about a story, I take it seriously.
  • I know it doesn't feel good, but deep down, you know it's the smart choice.
  • That's the first thing I remember, just thinking, That doesn't feel good.
  • If it doesn't feel good, I reject it
  • - When Jim doesn't feel good about a story,
  • Okay, you got to tell me if something doesn't feel good, okay?
  • It doesn't feel good when someone does your job, does it?
  • He just doesn't Feel good enough.
  • It doesn't feel good, Al. Nothing about this feels good.


  • doesn't seem right
  • doesn't sit well with me
  • doesn't strike me as good
  • doesn't sit right
  • doesn't feel right

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