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Thank you for your consideration vs thank you for your kind understanding

Both phrases are correct and commonly used to express gratitude in a polite and formal manner. They convey appreciation for someone's attention or thoughtfulness. The choice between them depends on the specific context and the level of formality desired.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 3730 views

Thank you for your consideration

This phrase is correct and commonly used to express gratitude for someone's attention or thoughtfulness.

This phrase is typically used to thank someone for taking something into account or for their thoughtful consideration.


  • Thank you for your consideration of my application.
  • I appreciate your consideration in this matter.
  • Thanks for your consideration regarding the schedule change.
  • Your consideration is greatly appreciated.
  • We thank you for your consideration of our proposal.
  • Thank you for your consideration in our regard.
  • Thank you for your consideration.
  • Thank you for your consideration, Mr Fenton.
  • Regardless. Thank you for your consideration.
  • Thank you for your consideration of my work for possible publication.
  • Thank you for your consideration and your comment is greatly appreciated.
  • Thank you for your consideration, Mr. Woolsey, but I assure you it is not necessary.
  • We thank you for your consideration, but we don't need it.
  • » [La Prosciutta] reply: First of all thank you for your consideration (which is always nice) and we expect to enjoy a good wine together with our meats.
  • I am looking forward to getting a good opportunity to a part of your family and thank you for your consideration.
  • We thank you for your consideration and hope that you will decide to participate in the survey!
  • Thank you for your consideration.
  • Thank you for your consideration.
  • Thank you for your consideration, MIT.
  • (Translated with Google Translate) Read the original Translate Stay: 5/2011 Holiday: Sports Agriturismo La Prosciutta answers First of all thank you for your consideration (which is always nice) and we expect to enjoy a good wine together with our meats.


  • thank you for your kind understanding
  • thank you for your attention
  • thank you for your thoughtfulness
  • thank you for your time and consideration
  • thank you for your help and consideration

thank you for your kind understanding

This phrase is correct and commonly used to express gratitude for someone's kindness and understanding.

This phrase is typically used to thank someone for their empathy, patience, or comprehension in a situation.


  • Thank you for your kind understanding during this difficult time.
  • I appreciate your kind understanding of the situation.
  • Thanks for your kind understanding of my perspective.
  • Your kind understanding means a lot to me.
  • We thank you for your kind understanding and support.
  • Thank you for your kind words about my chairs, Miss Porter.
  • Thank you for your kind blessings.
  • Thank you for your kind invitation, Mr Titley.
  • Thank you for your kind words, Mr Bolkestein.
  • Thank you for your kind introduction, Mr President.
  • Thank you for your kind words, chancellor.
  • Thank you for your kind attention.
  • Thank you for your kind words with the bank today.
  • Thank You for Your kind heart and the hospitality.
  • Thank you for your kind treatment of us, Mr President.
  • Thank you for your kind advice, Sam.
  • Thank you for your kind remarks.
  • I wanted to thank you for your kind recommendation.
  • I also want to thank you for your kind words about my business proposition.
  • Well, Inspector, nothing left but to thank you for your kind words about my work.
  • Thank you for your kind words, Mr President. I hope I shall survive this time and avoid catching yet another cold.
  • Commissioner, thank you for your kind response that, personally speaking, gives me great pleasure.
  • Mr President, may I firstly thank you for your kind words regarding my father.
  • It's to say thank you for your kind work with Otto.
  • Mr President, thank you for your kind words of support which I trust apply to every proposal in the report.


  • thank you for your consideration
  • thank you for your empathy
  • thank you for your patience
  • thank you for your comprehension
  • thank you for your support

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