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For the test and collection vs For the test

The phrases 'for the test and collection' and 'for the test' are not directly comparable as they convey different meanings. 'For the test and collection' implies that something is intended for both the test and the collection, while 'for the test' simply indicates something is intended for the test only.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 965 views

For the test and collection

This phrase is correct and can be used when something is intended for both the test and the collection.

This phrase is used when referring to items or actions that are meant for both the test and the subsequent collection of data or materials.
  • The test starts with the collection of samples for the determination of baseline-value (00-minute-value):
  • The test begins with the collection of samples for determining the baseline values:
  • Type of OCL used for the test of current collection performance (to be indicated for each energy supply system the vehicle is equipped for) (only if number of raised pantographs is more than 1)
  • And this exercise does test Observational and evidence-collection skills. Yes.
  • High standards of quality and safety must apply during all stages in the transfusion chain, from donation to inspection by means of specific laboratory tests, collection, processing, storage, distribution and utilisation of whole human blood and its components.
  • Part I shall be applicable for the test and approval procedure.
  • Set up and test maritime surveillance data collection, communications and contacts in selected countries in the Horn of Africa and Gulf of Aden region.
  • Anaesthesia should be used if one cannulates the jugular vein (for administration of test chemical and/or collection of blood) or if one uses the femoral artery for administration.
  • the graph of percentage degradation against time for the test and reference substances;
  • Prepare parallel groups of BOD bottles for the determination of the test and reference chemicals in simultaneous experimental series.
  • We should therefore prevent any additional financial burden for the Member States which might come out of the analysis or the tests and any further delay in the system.
  • The primary objective is to install and test multi-technology systems for the near real-time observation and collection of climate change variables.
  • The methodology used for the test and the detailed results obtained shall be made freely available;
  • If the titre for the second distillate is more than 0,2 ml, repeat the test and start the distillation again using a fresh aliquot of digest solution.
  • Barium nitrate (analytical grade) is used as reference substance for the test and the preliminary test.
  • They stressed the need to close plants that fail to pass the test and called for the tests to be extended to neighbouring countries, particularly Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine and Armenia.
  • The test and vehicle conditions for the test described in Annex 6 apply before the first valid emission test is carried out.
  • I believe that it is not a good thing for the national authorities and the supervisory bodies to be given responsibility for defining the criteria for the test and evaluating the results.
  • multiple-choice tests, or, like, "I need to get my parents back from their retirement cruise and auction off my shoe collection" tests?
  • information on colonies used for collection of test bees including health, any adult disease, any pre-treatment, etc.

For the test

This phrase is correct and commonly used when something is intended specifically for the test.

This phrase is used to indicate that something is meant for the test, without any reference to a collection or other purpose.
  • For the test, the less favourable position shall be selected.
  • For the test in accordance with, the original filling substance shall be used.
  • Or put the chemicals there for the test.
  • The team have been forced to bring in a substitute for the test.
  • You're under mild sedation for the test.
  • You should stay at home or study for the test again.
  • For the test in accordance with, a stacking test shall be carried out with a standard liquid.
  • For the test, the front window shall be fixed in a frame of the same construction as that mounted on the vehicle.
  • For the test the hammer is attached to a carrier and a special test block structure shall be used.
  • For the test the HIAS shall be activated by means of an HIAS signal generator.
  • For the test, the bend lighting may be activated by means of a signal generator provided by the manufacturer.
  • For the test by the method described above, the pressure in the intake manifold shall be measured to within ±1 kPa.
  • For the test or for Lauren?
  • 2.2.4. For the test of plastic material of which the lenses are made:
  • A suitable device for the test is shown in Annex 10 to this Regulation.
  • Tyre pressures shall then be adjusted to the values specified for the test.
  • Positioning the rear-view mirror for the test.
  • This condition shall only apply for the test.
  • Ready for the test Mr. TV.

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