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You are a pretty woman vs You are pretty woman

The correct phrase is "You are a pretty woman." The article 'a' is needed before the adjective 'pretty' to make the sentence grammatically correct. The second phrase is missing the article 'a,' making it incorrect.

Last updated: March 20, 2024 • 1042 views

You are a pretty woman

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to compliment someone by describing them as attractive. The article 'a' is necessary before the adjective 'pretty.'


  • You are a pretty woman. I like your dress.
  • She is a pretty woman with a kind heart.
  • He told her, 'You are a pretty woman inside and out.'
  • I think you are a pretty woman, both in appearance and personality.
  • Being a pretty woman is not just about looks, but also about confidence and kindness.
  • Sep 9, 2015 ... Now, if you are a pretty woman and dedicate yourself to flirt with everyone it doesnt matter if you are a terrible technician, if you dont meet the minimun requirements for the job, the uppers will have your back and someone will ...
  • Aug 28, 2015 ... Don't generalize and act like you speak on behalf of all women, you are a pretty woman and you come off insecure by your comments... Like · Reply · 12 · Aug 28, 2015 2:54pm. Alex Casner ·. Director of Branded Video at Elite ...
  • Jun 4, 2015 ... I think you are a pretty woman. I am very handy and have some masculine attributes. I can fix things & I'll catch a snake and move him to a safe place. Love outdoors mud and muck are not a problem. My husband thinks it is ...
  • Mar 4, 2015 ... Because you are a pretty woman you should be denied a job according to this idiot. And you know the reason they are doing it is because there is nothing else. If the women were ugly they would complain he only hired ugly ...

You are pretty woman

This phrase is incorrect in English as it is missing the necessary article 'a.'

  • Mar 24, 2015 ... Maria: I think you are pretty woman. I am sorry that individuals will use your story and likeness for funding and fame and insist to portray you of anything other than that – beautiful, resilient and brave. Unspeakable acts of ...
  • May 20, 2013 ... Advertisement. Here is the official description from the auction website. The intended effect seems to be that you will experience life as a menial employee for Coyle, but it also sort of sounds like you are Pretty Woman-ing him.
  • Mar 9, 2005 ... One of reasons you got into front pages of some chess magazines is that you are pretty woman and in fact those issues of chess magazines got better sellings! We are working now on adding personal info of every contender ...
  • Jan 27, 2015 ... Comment failed to post. Cancel Post. Top comments. Top comments; Newest first . Star Beauty Queen 10 months ago. You are pretty woman!Good job! Nice video! I subbed now from Japan,pls sub back! バイバイまたね(=^・^=).


  • You are a pretty woman.
  • You are such a pretty woman.
  • You are a very pretty woman.
  • You are an incredibly pretty woman.
  • You are quite a pretty woman.

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