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is still on vs still go one

The correct phrase is "is still on." The phrase "still go one" is incorrect in English. The correct phrase is commonly used to indicate that something is continuing or in progress.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 950 views

is still on

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate that something is continuing or in progress.

This phrase is used to indicate that something is still happening or in progress. It is often used in the context of events, activities, or situations.


  • The party is still on, so we can go later.
  • The meeting is still on for tomorrow.
  • The show is still on despite the rain.
  • The project is still on track for completion.
  • The event is still on schedule.
  • The ship is still on radio silence.
  • Your wife is still on the line.
  • Your son is still on board our ship.
  • Time is still on our side.
  • The air raid is still on.
  • Your wife is still on that line.
  • Our groundbreaking ceremony is still on schedule and will certainly attract donors' attention.
  • Don't worry, the plan is still on track.
  • Means the hit is still on.
  • I say again, Ray is still on land.
  • Suspect is still on the run.
  • The fleet you sent for is still on its way.
  • This maniac is still on the loose.
  • Forensics is still on the scene.
  • Assuming pizza is still on the table.
  • Apparently the dinner is still on.
  • I'm a little surprised our testimonial is still on the Website.
  • Scrip pad is still on his desk.
  • Ajay is still on med watch, Donner.
  • - Your army is still on the march.

still go one

This phrase is incorrect in English and does not make sense. It is not a valid construction in the language.

  • It is an unbearable form of ethical torment to have the feeling that you can still go one step further when in reality it is no longer possible, so in this respect we can ease the burden on those that are providing help.
  • We should still go see the one upstate again.
  • You still got one to go.
  • If only one valid tender is submitted, the award procedure may still go ahead.
  • I personally did not put my signature to them because one or two of them still go a little too far.
  • But this game - this game right here - this one could still go either way.
  • Finally, I should like to note once again that, sadly, one billion euros' worth of tobacco subsidies still go up in carcinogenic smoke.
  • But he hadn't given the Kane brothers one cent of the takings, which made it very hard for them to still go around town claiming they could stand over anyone.
  • Although things can still go pear-shaped, even at Commissioner level - and naturally the abominable Commission proposal on access to documents is one of the things that springs to mind - it is quite clear that this Commission is highly committed to making a break with the past.
  • I'd still go vanilla, but it's good.
  • I can still go on rounds.
  • Sweetie, you can still go to McGill - the Harvard of Canada.
  • He and eriq la salle still go to the same church.
  • Tell him I'll still go.
  • - I still go to my proper school.
  • Come on, we can still go, man.
  • Come on, man, we can still go.
  • No matter how much we lose, we must still go on living.
  • If you want, you can still go out.
  • Even when cops do everything right, things can still go sideways.

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